
Sony did not even raise advertising budgets of these countries. Samsung is not the same

129668568814531250_0Japan Electrical great recession Editor's note/fallen to a low value or sales plans downward, Japan Electrical flagship gradually fading is an indisputable fact. Earthquake aftermath bust more like hard times the fuse that is Sony, Panasonic is doing to help itself out of recession in the business model of the diversion. A summary of the great recession "fading" Japan electrical appliance Japan electric divisionsYesterday's glory days. Mitsubishi, Hitachi, Toshiba and more of the once mighty Japan brands begin to fade out the competition stage, at the same time, Sony, Panasonic, sharp look to business models in transition, in order to pick up. Recently, Sony, Toshiba and Hitachi announced and Japan Government-led investment funds--Japan innovation network Corporation signed a definitive agreement for the establishment of aJapan display of new companies, formally merged three signalling its medium LCD panel business. Before that, in small and medium sized LCD panel business, Japanese companies have been suffering from Korea, China, Taiwan businesses squeezed. In addition, Sony, Panasonic has gradually started LCD TV line of business. Allwin consulting company Deputy General Manager Jin Xiaofeng, and "the trend of JapaneseHas been showing signs of shrinkage. "" Shrinkage "behind the slowdown in global demand for LCD TV market circumstances, suffer from TV operational loss-making Japanese companies firmly determined to tackle the overall contraction of corporate strategy. As part of the TV business adjustment, Matsushita Electric Act of compelling launched Brokeback, decided to sell LCD factory in Mobara city. In the first half of fiscal year 2011 performance descriptionAt the meeting, Matsushita Electric external for the first time expressly declares: LCD (liquid crystal display) industry as a whole, will be non-television use conversion substantially. In November 2011, the news that Sony will also consider withdrawing from the LCD Panel joint venture with Samsung, its LCD joint venture in S-LCD nearly half its shares sold to Samsung, increased outsourcing, reduce purchasingCosts to this response to the falling prices of LCD panels. For this message, Sony (China) media PR reporter interview with Ding Guohui told the China business, has not made positive responses. According to reports, to fiscal 2013 for TV business profitable, Sony plans to adopt a series of measures to achieve this objective, including: adjustment for fiscal 2011 sales gauge, Sony TV sales quantities adjusted to 20 million for the year 2011 fiscal year, prior to this, Sony's plan was acquired in fiscal year 2012, TV services 20% of global market share, or sell 40 million TV products. "Change business models to pursue sales growth, establishing a solid business platform ensures revenue growth. "Ding Guohui said. In the industry peopleIt seems that this contraction of Japanese companies is by no means accidental. According to Jin Xiaofeng analysis, global LCD TV sales slowdown, European and American markets affected by the economic downturn there is not much improvement, Japan home market tumbled; on the other hand, suffered in the Chinese market in China and Korea enterprises squeezed, changes in the living environment of Japanese companies, also raised its contraction of real motive. Internal causes a recession Japanese companiesMaximalist gone are the days when, on the one hand and the external environment, earthquake recovery plan of pressure on the yen, in the face of the rapid rise of the rival Apple, Google, Samsung, Japanese companies are hard as you can imagine. The other hand, the real recession actually occurs within the Japanese companies. Lack of sustainable long-term strategy in emerging markets like China, is considered by industryJapanese companies were ultimately Korea enterprises beyond the root cause of one. Over the years, the leading manufacturing and technical advantages of core competitiveness is the most major Japanese companies. Starting from entering the Chinese market, as well as the interest of Japanese companies in China more as its overseas production base in China, and is not aware of the tremendous potential of emerging markets. According to industry sources, starting in 2000,Sony has noted that Brazil, and India, China and other emerging markets, but apparently did not give them enough support, in the early years, Sony did not even raise advertising budgets of these countries. Samsung is not the same diablo 3 gold, no first-mover advantage in the technology of Samsung, entering the Chinese market early focus on consumer needs, "Chinese love enterprises", once aSamsung with the symbolic number. Adhere to its own technology, key transition slowly, and is the second step of Japanese companies decline, until April 2011, Matsushita Electric President Ohtsubo Wen Xiongcai officially announced that "cancel plasma and LCD artificial distinction between standard, expands business activities to follow the market demand", but it also become global TV company doing the last transition in Liquid Crystal EnterpriseIndustry. According to senior household appliance expert Liu Buchen observation, "the initiative no longer Japanese companies on the development of new products in that year diablo 3 power leveling, put on the new product also seems conservative, by contrast, Samsung Korea enterprises is quite positive. "The conservative mentality is also reflected in the enterprise management, analysis of Liu Buchen, in the management system in Japanese companies, the real power for foreign companies has been very limited, moreRights remain concentrated in Japan headquarters, this directly led to the slow response to the market management mechanisms. Simple attribution difficult recession to Japanese companies to the market's downturn, from the heyday of long-term strategy, to cling to core technology strategies, coupled with the more conservative internal management system of closed, of recession Japanese companies more like a process of cumulative ills gradually to the fore. Big failureBack case of Sony technology "excessive", as current Chairman and CEO of Sony, led Sony huohuade��SI Chinga thought he could usher in the best of times. Now it is not the case. 2011 loss Sony's TV business for 8 years, since its CEO Howard Stringer served as CEO, Sony market lost almost a half. Now Sony's market value of only $ 25 billion, Less than one-fourth of Samsung Electronics. CEO Howard Stringer, Sony is facing one of the most serious problem is that Sony has not been recognised as a creative company. In the past 20 years, Sony is about technical innovation. Why Samsung fanchao by later? Choice of Sony's strategy in the period of transformation and internal problems, apparently varying degrees has led to Sony's step by step failureRetreat. Because of the different base, Samsung and Sony in the early competition strategy varies. Sony has to obtain the know-how and the establishment of product standards as core strengths. Highlighted in particular the staff's creativity, as a basic concept to develop new products. Samsung used to be only limited technical and product development capabilities of original equipment (OEM) producers. Compare with Sony, Samsung in research and developmentInput is clearly far inferior to Sony, but Samsung decisively from other countries or companies introduced technology until recently have 15 road to independent research and development. Outsiders, Sony because of technical success of the technology to send, also was encumbered with technology. Invest substantial resources in research and development, a considerable number of innovation does not bring immediate economic benefits to the enterprise. The other hand, the enterprise falls intoExcessive reliance on research and development. Time of the arrival in the digital age, Sony and Samsung seen its mode of competition advantages and disadvantages. In response to increased competition and declining product prices, Sony would prefer in terms of new products and services for an endless expansion, it is against this strategy, Sony diversify the business, and entered the entertainment industry. Rival Samsung's strategy wasAdapt quickly to changing market and consumer, Samsung Electronics CEO Yin Zhonglong before there is a famous "digital sushi" theory, in this theory, its emphasis on all of the "seasonal merchandise", from sushi to cell phones, speed is the key. These ideas and implement it on Samsung products showed faster and more bold in innovation, which is what Samsung to enter the Chinese market after eliminationTo cause a major impression. Samsung accelerate at the same time, adhere to internal technologies, Sony is hesitant on whether to invest in flat-panel TVs. At that time, a stretch to believe that, in the area of flat panel display, Sony will develop better technology, do not rush to production of the product. Proved, Sony as the wrong decision in the transitional period, also paid a big price. Up to 2003, Suo Nicai and joint venture of Samsung LCD Panel plant. Although it has lagged behind rivals. Now, Sony is constantly enhanced mobile Internet strategy at the same time, more concerned about is the combination of software and hardware. On the content resources, Sony has a huge advantage. Sony hopes is that content on the combination of resources and hardware innovations on a technology. In 2011, Sony global industrySupplies are divided into "consumer products and services group" and "the professional solutions group". This reorganization is believed to be Sony's "challenge Apple with Apple mode". Although Sony has been questioned many times no longer is a creative company, but from the perspective of current situation, Sony still in transition with a strong technological imprint. Use content advantages of film, music,Not develop more cool new products, will be the key to Sony to attract young consumers. Enterprise case two Panasonic Brokeback to survive the great recession of Panasonic in mind and some have been number one in the business say goodbye. In the more intense competition, Panasonic seem to have realised that must be made before on business models and radical innovations in order to return to the glory days. Cause the Panasonic nowCauses of color TV market in gradual decay of key lies in its obstinately stick plasma strategy. 2010 China flat panel TV market, for example, liquid crystal sold more than 34 million units, plasma only 1.61 million units and global TV sales data is, LCD sales are about 180 million units, plasma less than 15 million units. Insufficient digestive ability of the market let looseHad to be forced to turn to liquid crystal under. But this changes obviously too slow in early 2011, the Panasonic clearly expressed the need to adjust the product strategy to become the world's companies do last a transition liquid crystal color TV enterprises, but soon encountered problems is the LCD TV market is gradually become saturated. Panasonic's Brokeback including mass layoffs, will no longer be on plasmaInvestments and liquid crystal display business, and so on. After Brokeback, Panasonic real industrial transition towards new energy and environmental protection. As part of the strategy, in April 2011, Panasonic to full purchase of Sanyo and Matsushita to produce rechargeable batteries, robotics, electronic components, products such as lighting and solar panels, and shows that during businessChanges in the layout. Panasonic currently led by its President Ohtsubo is trying to achieve three major transformations of the entire company business model, "shift from emphasis on existing to new areas such as energy from Japan Center to complete global change from Board case and system development to your solution. "Ohtsubo said. According to the professional analysis, distribution of Panasonic's line of business is relativelyBalance, with consumer electronics and household appliances all series, white all the way to energy-saving and environmental protection in development in recent years, also laid the Foundation for Panasonic's transition to the field of environmental protection. For Matsushita, Brokeback survive seems to be the former TV giant now can think the best way. E view of the great recession "self-help" string voice since recession inevitable, adopt a positive self-Measures for Japanese companies is the most realistic approach. From a marketing point of view, and, Korean enterprises in strengths of today is clearly not spell prices. Allwin Advisory latest January 2011 to October LCD TV retail market share in China showed that Japanese companies market share has fallen from 2010 to 12.9%, the backbone enterprises of China (Skyworth, Hisense, tCL and Haier, CHANGHONG, KONKA) rose from 66.6% per cent. Allwin Jin Xiaofeng Vice President of consulting firm believes that Japan enterprises, with a backward attitude to the excessive cost of city wide sites clearly three or four lines, the use of promotional activities such as holidays on price is really not wise to push prices staged lifting revenues, long term and will remain to be brought about by evilLoop, incremental not synergistic eventually led will only be competing in a fatigued state. Japanese companies themselves clearly seen shopping in the retail market it is not very smart from Matsushita, Hitachi, Toshiba, Japan traditional household electrical appliance enterprises recently situation of transition, transition to new energy and provide comprehensive solutions are becoming the key points of the transformation. Sony is constantly strengthening mobile Internet strategy, PanasonicDeparture from the appliance business, to the development of new energy and environmental protection. Transition from older Hitachi, household electrical appliances sales now account for only 9% of the Hitachi Group, more income distribution in power, information, communications, water treatment, construction machinery, high-performance materials, transportation, logistics and other areas, including nuclear power generation, renewable energy, smart grid and other social infrastructure constructionAnd provides support for high-performance motor and inverter, lithium-ion batteries, environmental protection and energy-saving high-performance materials, and other key materials will become key components of research and development of Hitachi area of focus. Senior household appliance expert Liu Buchen in particular that gradually pull away from the original good at manufacturing, construction of a new business model, should be seen as Japanese companies active in the new competitive environment goType. Japanese companies now face the situation and in the 1970 of the 20th century United States there are similarities, accumulation of technological advantages, Japanese companies are turning to development of technical standards and new energy, eco-friendly business model. Japan has also commented that the industry news, used a high price to "Japan" made toward the era of overseas in the past, now is to give this production plant to foreign enterprisesThe timing.

