
15 Diablo 3 power leveling 15 - EVRB

129810460609843750_225[Happy] fucai 3D 123th recommended: focus on parity than 2:1 , 1 stage review: winning no 585, odd form of location: odd-even and odd, odd and even columns: 2:1, location:, size: 18 3:0 and values Diablo 3 Gold, spacing: 3. Analysis, 2 period: (1) location analysis: first: out of the header code codes on the number 5, seen from the trend, recent issuesTo, first location trend anti-large code trend, form analysis, the area span uniform, this period analysis first bit trend concern large code number out, main is concern span in 3 around of number out, recommended number 8,9 second bit: Shang period out large code oblique even code number 8, trend analysis, near issues yilai, the location big main big area road for road pour right number, large code numberFor big focus, this period analysis curve go right road number, focus concern recommended number 7,8 third bit: Shang period out odd number, code, 5, trend Shang see, the area left road number for big focus, large code number continued stronger, this period analysis, the area span maintained in 2 around, concern small code number out, recommended number for number 2,3 (2) odd even than analysis: ShangPeriod odd number, code big for 2 a, for 2 odd 1 even form, issues yilai, even for focus big trend, this period analysis even number, code for big focus, concern two a above, main concern of location odd even than for: even qiqi (3) size than analysis: this period is expected to first bit focus considered large code, second bit focus at anti-large code, third bit focus at anti-small code, concern size thanFor: large size (4) odd even than analysis: this period main considered even number, code more open, focus concern odd even than for: 2:1 (5) and value analysis: this period analysis and value will more early higher, main good three a area has two a location go large code, main concern and value for: 15,17,18,20 3, and No. 2012123 period number recommended: integrated aboveAnalysis of No. 2012123 3D recommended number is: six six codes: 034789 location: first 6,789, 5,678 II, III-0234 Rift CD-key, featured single: 873,983,982,774,770,772,852,854 Diablo 3 power leveling,984,982,672,673,674 content:Buyer knows village Others:

