
an article is added as article 39th yearReached the age of 60 week

129667786233584142_162According to the Dahe news, 25th session in Henan province was voted the 24th session of the Standing Committee on amending the decision of the population and family planning in Henan province Ordinance, the amended Ordinance becomes operative as from the date of public release. Under the amendments, the province provided, the couple were only children, requiring birth, approved can birth a second child ifBoth rural residents, bearing a girls-only husband and wife, request birth approved can birth a second child. Prior to that, from the national point of view, Shandong, Sichuan, and 27 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions in the last century has been implementing the "two-independence" couple second child policies, Hubei, Gansu, Inner Mongolia in 2002 since the implementation of this policy, the province has become the country's onlyNot pursuing this policy of the province. The population and family planning in Henan province Ordinance section 17th meeting one of the conditions requires growth, approved by family planning second child: (a) medical evaluation organization of family planning at county level and identification, the provincial government family planning medical assessment body confirmed the first child is a hereditary disability, cannot grow into normal laborOf; (second) by identification-patient does not finishing syndrome, legitimate adoptions a a children Hou pregnant of; (three) couples both sides Department returned overseas Chinese or back to this province settled of Hong Kong, and o, and Taiwan compatriots, side only a children of; (four) couples party for six level above disability soldiers or martyrs of only children of; (five) couples party continuous engaged in mining area well Xia take driving job five years above, onlyA girl, take underground and continue to engage in job openings, and (vi) remarried husband and wife, remarried the former party only to birth a child, the other party is not birth, (VII) couples are only children. [Relax] peasant couples only or second child a girl yesterday, on the 24th session of the Standing Committee meeting on the revision of the population in Henan province and planFertility Ordinance decided to conduct the voting. The vote was: 60 votes in favour, 4 against, with 4 abstentions. On the amendments to the population and family planning in Henan province Ordinance (hereinafter the regulation) decided to adopt, since the public release date of promulgation. Before modifying, wishing to birth the second child of the family, the regulations of the original article 17th: in line with article sixOne of the. The amendments added a seventh condition: the couples only child. The fourth criterion is changed to one of the spouses is also six or above (the original regulation for second category b above) soldiers or the martyr's one-child with a disability. The Ordinance before the amendment article 18th: If both husband and wife for rural residents, in addition to the applicable article 17thOutside, meet following conditions one requirements reproductive of, by approved also can by family planning second a children: (a) couples only reproductive a girl, family and does have difficulties of; (ii) men to has female no infants of family married settled in, and maintenance parents of (if sisters number people, only care a people); (three) in mountains village settled five years above, and continues to settled of; (four) couples bothFor minorities. Modifications, in the first paragraph of article 18th "family difficulties" sentence removed. [Encourage] have increased award and lifted to the one-child family policy although I release the double-single family second child provided in, but I still advocate and encourage the birth of a child. The rules article 19th, meet the required birth the second child, the woman should haveMore than four years having birth intervals of time, but over the age of 28 week otherwise. The regulations existing in our province of carding and incorporated into the Fu policy. Before compared to the provisions of the modified article 38th new added lots of content. Receiving of the one-child parents honor certificate, than ever before, voucher to enjoy the following benefits: spontaneous syndrome month to children of the age of 18 week (formerly 14Week of age), award fee of $ 20 per person per month to one-child parents rewards (the original regulation for ten dollars) or more. Distribution according to one urban resettlement, relocation and resettlement, placement, construction of new rural collective economic income, when collective welfare and compensation for land expropriation, one-child families more than one person (not previously provided). At the same time, an article is added as article 39th yearReached the age of 60 week, comply with the national family planning home rewards support condition of husband and wife, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the national and provincial Awards support. Awards supporting standards should be with the economic and social development and gradually improve, growth mechanism and the establishment of interest, specific measures formulated by the province people's Government. [Editing] inconsistent with the law on administrative punishments of deleted articles after modifying the OrdinanceAlso the new requirements, to participate in urban and rural social endowment insurance, a new type of rural cooperative medical system and medical insurance for urban residents only-child double female parents of parents and family planning, local people's Governments should give appropriate subsidies. Double female parents aged only child of parents and family planning, the Government purchased service. In addition, the Ordinance has also been removed to the State laws,From the scope of administrative rules and regulations set by the increase of administrative punishment. Former article 47th provisions of the Ordinance: "intentionally does not comply with the regulations provide conditions cause reproductive birth provided citizens, below 1000 Yuan and 5,000 yuan fine, are agents of the State, and given the disciplinary sanction. "Provincial people's Congress Legislative Committee believes that it belongs to the State law and administrative lawRules outside the scope of the provisions set by increasing administrative punishment, is not consistent with the spirit of the law on administrative punishments the old republic power leveling, be deleted. Expert view required to cope with the aging society 1 alone can release the second child of the family policy has aroused the concern of Deputies. In 2010 the "two sessions" on the deputies to Dong Guangan, Yin Zhiguo jointly submitted a related discussion on eucalyptus. YesterdayThis afternoon, Dong Guangan told reporters, a formal review and higher votes, was the result of repeated measurement, research demonstration. "In our province the second child of moderate adjustments to policies, is a measurement of the arrival of the aging population, sex ratio, and many other effects. "Dong Guangan believes that now is not merely take into account the population number of stages, and more to take into account the population quality, Structure, taking into account a series of impact of the ageing society. Dong Guangan said: "every indication, if the second child of policy adjustments, will lead to a series of sequels. "The national system of provinces and cities have already relaxed second child, do not relax policy in Henan province, many high-level personnel may be lost. In addition, the province's pension system is not sound, resolve the pension problem is mostly familyChambers as a unit, double-dependent parents do have difficulty alone. Not lead to a rapid population growth in our province 2 as a populous province, Henan relaxed after second child policy will lead to increase in population? Dong Guangan believes that this policy, the primary impact of urban population. But even if policy adjustments, and not every child wants second child. "I have done a series ofInvestigation and study, and now many city people busy doing career, work, stress, not necessarily to a second child. "Dong Guangan said. Experts pointed out that the birth rate is decreasing in many major cities, especially the local resident population. This is in line with international law, living up to a certain extent, no Government control, natural decline of population. With both husband and wifeShall be the only child, second child of the cardinality of the smaller, surging populations do not appear. To ease the pressure on pension, 3 to stimulate domestic demand from the population structure, said Henan "before it grows rich old". For many couples are the one-child families, the couple is about to support four grandparents. As early as 2005, provincial Academy of social sciences researcher, population experts Liu JunzheAssertion: "aging would probably drag-and-rising down. "Liu Junzhe said that the ageing of population structures, making Henan growing retired population, decreasing working population, due to insufficient funds had been serious, social old-age pension system, particularly in rural old-age pension system under immense pressure as, leaving many families into difficulties. This forced people to continue to increase savings and reduceLess spending, resulting in insufficient economic investment and consumer spending as a whole. Moderately relaxed second child birth policy can ease social pressure for the aged, to increase and expand domestic demand. Experts differ on family planning policy movements 4 on April 28 this year, the 6th national census data show that China's population increased from per cent in 2000 to 1.339 billion. It isScientists are concerned, China's population aged over 60 account for a population of 13.3%, almost 3% more than in 2000, and 0-14 age population ratio of 16.6%, while the data for 1990, neonatal rapid decline in population growth. Experts agree: the natural population growth rate is decreasing, fertility levels are low. But for peopleAnd trends of family planning policy, experts remain divided. Some scholars claim gradually abandoning the family planning policy, bold releases the second child of policy in response to an ageing demographic dividend phasing out and, while other scholars given its population base is too large, fertility trends are not known, for comprehensive population policies they believe still to strict and balanced development and prudent releases the second child. ChineseThe University Professor Zhai Zhenwu thinks that, my next 30 years will also �Q increased about 200 million people; peak population will reach 1.5 billion people in 2033, population continues to rise in population and resources environmental conflicts increasingly acute. ����Therefore still need to be strict and balanced development of China's population policy, let go of the second child policy should be very careful. Gold-line statement: gold onlineReproduced above, does not indicate that confirm the description for investor use only and does not constitute investment advice. Investor actions accordingly star wars the old republic power leveling, and at your own risk.

