
star wars the old republic power leveling 3 finalists and the breakdown of the top three column VVK

129667648254677892_61Top 10 stocks agencies agree that comparing today investment under investment today the online analyst (www.investoday.com.CN) nearly mainstream research institutions in China more than more than 4,000 analysts ' profit forecasts of statistical data, comprehensive earnings forecasts last week (2011), increase margin top25 stocks, chemicals, metals and mining, food production and processing by 5 and 4 respectively, 3 finalists and the breakdown of the top three column, remaining such as pharmaceuticals, electric and machinery manufacturing, the two finalists. Recently the old republic power leveling, food on the plates in the secondary market flourished, its powerful energy come from? Recommended reading hexun about City Hall: next week's a-shares or are changedFive large gold unit is now buy opportunity large consumption will burning end passion 8 unit zhanchiyufei muddy water and min all: who black has who sets is now can't wait large shareholders discovered food Lee 8 family a 12 years fuck disc hand of 8 section to deep investment feeling IPO Meng Yu Tiger 29 months "circle" go near trillions [micro-Bo] old Sha: push international plate Qian will do a thing [Unit 's] strongly signal Xia does notEvery bottom-feeding is a fool and statistics data show that so far this year, food and beverage excess profits of about 18.5%, ranks all sub-sectors Shen Wan level first.����In response, said shenyin wanguo, excess profits stemmed largely from the fundamentals of the plate clearly brought raised its earnings forecast continued constantly exceeding expectations. Between August and September this year, overall cumulative income growth of industrial enterprises33.4% fell to cent, the cumulative profit growth fell to $ 55%, and food and drink industry income growth rose from 27.2% to cent profit growth rate rose from 29% to cent. At the same time the data also show, 2011 1 ~ June, food and drink industry revenue increased by 34.4%, 39% profit growth, growth 1~8 months is slightly down, but still maintain a relatively rapid growth. Of course, not including good fundamentals data, policy of strong support but also food plates of the importance of continued strong pushing hands. On October 25, Ministry of finance and the people's Bank of Commerce jointly issued the "Twelve-Five" do a good job expanding consumer opinions, with enterprises as the mainstay, market-oriented,Exhibition of modern commerce and as a means to facilitate focusing on upgrading consumption structure, policies and regulations, standards, plans for the protection of, and gradually establishing long effective mechanism increasing consumption.����Policies continue to stimulate consumption, will be effective star wars the old republic power leveling, this will be the continued strength in the most effective guarantee food plates. Policy supporting consumption, industry policy stable product prices, raw material prices to enhance industry profitFacilitate such factors as the basis for stable development of the food industry.����Therefore, securities noted that food and drink industry wide grow space, more determined performance growth, weak economic cycle, a defensive investment characteristics, is a rare growth and defensive cover investments. From a valuation perspective, food plate has to be underlined. The latest data show that foodBeverage industry relative to the market's valuation premium 2.28 times times, still high premium range, but its absolute valuation multiples (PE,TTM) has dropped to 31.2 times times, well below the historical average levels since 2006 (44.2 times times), valuations advantages already highlighted. Broken down from the industry, with the exception of meat products and other wine industry, various sub-sectors of absolute valuation multiplesIs well below the historical average levels and gradually forced to record lows.

