
Diablo 3 Power Leveling Italy economic health or not will directly affect the other eurozone member

129668600957812500_2Germany Angela Merkel and the France President Nicolas Sarkozy and Italy Prime Minister El 24th local time, France held a mini-Summit on the resolving Europe's debt crisis, France and Germany will propose a common proposal, through the amendment of the EU Treaty to strengthen the European integration, but Merkel, remain opposed to issue Eurobonds. Hungary and Portugal's sovereign credit rating, both on the same day were cut at your marketWorries the crisis is spreading to the core countries of the eurozone, France also risks losing 3 a ratings.   Eurobonds anterior unknown Portugal Hungary is demoted main capital stocks (eleven-twenty fifths) unit fled to cut meat must regret having sudden boom is not likely in a move investors Gospel: hold stocks saved! European debt crisis to eurozone core countries vinesDelayed issuing Eurobonds are still full of resistance. 24th local time in Europe, Germany Chancellor Angela Merkel, and France President Nicolas Sarkozy and Italy Prime Minister Monte in France Strasbourg, held a mini-Summit, although the three leaders are determined to fully guarantee the euro's long, but Merkel, remain opposed to issue Eurobonds, "nothing's gonna change my position. "The euro plusPlay volatile attitudes than Merkel, Moody's announced on 24th Hungary long-term sovereign credit ratings to Ba1 from Baa3 per cent level, that is, "investments" below.  The same day, Fitch will be Portugal's credit rating fell to "junk" class BB. Concerns, the crisis is spreading to countries of the euro-zone's core, the eurozone's second largest economy lawState-owned risk losing 3 a ratings. Crisis continues to spread Merkel said at a news conference, does not support the euro bonds also does not support the enlargement of the European Central Bank's current role. Merkel's tough stand to let the market fell, global stock markets plunged to a 7-week low, Germany Government bonds continued to be sold off, Italy benchmark Treasury yields rose again to 7% the risk levels。 Is a further blow to market confidence, Portugal and Hungary lowered debt ratings of the two countries.  Fitch said Portugal prolonged economic contraction will make efforts to reduce huge budget deficits even harder. Members of the European Commission responsible for economic and Monetary Affairs Rennes 24th said, the current situation is very grim, Greece caused the European debt crisis has begun to affect the eurozone coreHeart country. Both Moody's and Fitch warned that if the crisis continued to deteriorate, France-term credit ratings could be downgraded.  Sarkozy said 24th, France and Germany will continue to help Italy, Italy economic health or not will directly affect the other eurozone members, especially France. Rehn believed that right in front of the eurozone at the moment is of two results, one is slowlyThe dissolution, the other is for the eurozone has been further strengthened.  There was news that the European Central Bank was considering greatly extend the deadline for providing loans to commercial banks Diablo 3 Power Leveling, to prevent the euro-zone banking system crashes that may occur, from the current maximum age 13 months to three years. It is worth noting is that 24th of the Franco-Italian Summit did not achieve tangible results,Merkel reiterated the views of the European Central Bank role. Bond expert at BNP Paribas, PatrickEconomy, finance and Industry Minister Diablo 3 Power Leveling, Baroin urged the European Central Bank intervention the eurozone crisis, France Government believes that preventing debt crises to Italy and Spain funded the best way to spread the European Central Bank intervention. In fact, the requirements call for Central Bank intervention on the market has been very high. But Merkel has said that the European Central Bank should remain independent, and modifying the treaties do not involveThe European Central Bank.  Earlier, Germany and France had reached the Summit agreement, agree to amend the EU treaties, giving European interference in the euro-zone budget policy of the authority of the State. However, the ECB also refused to become lender of eurozone governments last. European Central Bank said that this is not a matter of choice, regular purchasing practices of eurozone Government bonds beyond the scope of the provisions of the Constitution.Germany indecisive said to some extent, about destiny of the euro are Germany's attitude.  Merkel had been opposed to issue Eurobonds, believing that it would split the States bond yields, Ms Merkel said that only after the Treaty into an ambitious step, she will consider issuing Eurobonds, too early to discuss the matter during the crisis were "inappropriate". ButIs Germany domestic view of euro bonds vary. Germany financial times disclosed that Germany coalition Government for the introduction of euro-bonds as a means against European debt crisis did not flatly refused, the Government is studying the possibility in exceptional circumstances forced to accept euro bonds. For example, in order to achieve Germany wanted to strengthen the euro stability pact requirements, Germany may agree with the introduction of the euro debtVoucher or similar bond.  Germany Government budget spokesman Butler says, can't say without issuing Eurobonds, but under the current conditions there will be no Eurobond. Germany CDU and radical social Union parliamentary group composed of economic policy spokesman Fei Foer says, the CDU and radical social leagues, and they jointly with the Liberal Democratic Party of Germany the Government will not support the introduction of euro-bonds.Germany parliamentary group Deputy Chairman of the LDP Rinderle think Germany introduces Euro bond without a legal basis, saying Germany Constitution prohibits the unrestricted bonds in other countries.  Germany Economic Affairs Minister Luo Leier urged Germany parliamentary parties oppose the recently proposed by the European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso issued common European Bond proposals. However, Germany domestic main opposition social democratic partyAnd the Green Party is contrary, Vice Chairman of the SPD parliamentary group Haier accused the Government of the European debt crisis often deviate from its position on the issue, saying the euro bonds is not a panacea, debtor countries must make it clear, in addition to seeking funds, have to cede parts of the country's sovereignty. "Debtors cannot only ask aid has continued to dawdling. "Germany former Finance Minister of Stein am RheinMr Bruck says appealed to the Government in principle not refuse to Eurobonds, "I don't know that the European debt crisis could rise to levels, I don't know when we will have to use this tool. "Germany left party President KlausBonds of the State.  The Wall Street Journal quoted some economists as saying that creates a larger eurozone bond market will be able to revive the confidence of the investors to invest in the region's debt, so that those currently on the market to borrow hard making it easier for States to raise money to meet budget requirements. However, the Wall Street Journal said, although upgrading the eurozone crisis, but the 10-yearGermany Government bond yields increased by 25 basis points last week, to 2.15%. Before that, as long as the crisis worsened, Germany will fall in bond yields, and southern European countries the difference between the yields of bonds will also be expanded. This shift may presage BT the eurozone crisis is coming, may reflect people increasingly think the ultimate outcome will be the eurozone crisis because the euroIntroduction of bonds is resolved, rather than the collapse of the euro system. In addition, Germany, France, Italy and the three leaders on December 9, made at the Summit of EU leaders on a new plan, including giving more powers of the European Commission's proposal, so that the budget in a country beyond the public debt and the deficit ceiling under EU treaties to oversee it and when you need to purge.

