
aion money micro-blogging - BYB

129733906126252500_15Sex in Garden launches Janie, Han Jie, Ke Hu (from left to right), SINA entertainment recently aion kinah Balder, the National Theatre new director Han Jie (micro-blogging) company with Ke Hu aion kinah Thor, Janie (micro-blogging) at the National Theater (micro-blogging) debut aion kinah, Broadway plays for its efforts to create the Chinese edition of sex and the garden to build momentum. This was in the early 60 's sweeping the United States classics aion money, 217th in the large field of theatre plays staged for the second round.  The landing the National Grand Theater aion kinah Telemachus, passion play director Han Jie said the play aion kinah Vaizel, not deletion. Sex in Garden, Grand Theatre, two months after the finishing line of the garden of desire to explore the great contradictions of human nature and money as the main tone aion kinah Urtem, describing the United States on a number of middle-class couple for the sake of the material prosperity and enjoy withoutBut contrary to the moral and ethical thing. New Director of the National Theatre on Han Jie in rehearsals of the play using innovative means, reflects the show's sharp contradiction to the maximum in order to achieve the purpose of audience draw. Since the end of the play in November last year in the theatre since its debut on the 5-day, audience reaction to the play was praised, while a lot of people are looking forward to the classicsPromotional tour across the country. Director Han Jie continued after the premiere of the play made a carefully rehearsed for two months.  Through the efforts of all the parties, sex in Garden will be held February 17, landing 21st National Grand Theater and meet the audience. Passion play with some directors say that you do not delete from Han Jie on launch day, media also mentioned that a wheel on his speechOut aion kinah Siel, the audience had the drama of passion play with some. For this issue aion kinah Zikel, Han Jie garden again with respect to the desire land National Grand Theater, the large scale exist without deletion of the passion play, as he admits: "ye are aion kinah Suthran, after all aion kinah Spatalos, is thought to reflect more topics on the artistic conception of desire, passion play aion kinah Kromede, I think about the few large scale, this is a bold and innovative performance-, Possible audience can accept aion kinah Israphel, some viewers won't accept, but I think this is a very important part of the Council aion kinah Perento, if deleted it would be missing in some sense, so I kept on the down versions still exist at the national theatre. "(TG/version) (it was: pp) Others:

