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129732242268440000_180"Do not 构词成分。 in the King and I, she has always been my role model as a captain before, she helped me a lot, I can't compete with her. In my mind, very admire two of them, one is a national team coach Li Yan, the other is King 构词成分。, there will not be without their help me today. "--Fan Kexin (micro-blogging) in the just-ended short track speedSliding World Cup Russia station of competition in the, China 19 age small fankexinli pressure many sculptors to 45 seconds 013 of results WINS, entered team only a years of she has win again has World Cup, and World Championship 500 m of champion, now, she only difference Winter Olympics champion on will completed 500 m large Slam, to recovery flat large Yang Yang (micro-Bo) and King 构词成分。 of legend, she also is outside boastPraise for the short track speed skating after King 构词成分。 era leader.  To this end, this reporter interviewed separately can new parents as well as her own fan, former national team Manager Yang Zhanwu and King 构词成分。, new fan first coach Ma Qingzhong, allowing you to further understand the team's rising star. Self-evaluation: dare and Wang 构词成分。 Wang 构词成分。 times after the match team leaderNew fan is too much of this evaluation, last year's World Championships new fan an old head on young shoulders, qualified to final of the contest, contest, one-fourth, semifinals, finals all five guns first, stability beyond imagination. You know, she is new to the young players of the national team until 1 year, now she can match only an Olympic champion Yang Yang and Wang 构词成分。, the legendary realGrand Slam, but being a low-key new fan does not think so buy runescape items, she said when interviewed by this reporter's modest: "the King of 构词成分。 is my role model, not their match. "New fan, told reporters:" do not 构词成分。 in the King and I, she has always been my role model as a captain before, she helped me a lot, I can't compete with her. In my mind, non-Often look up to two people, one is a national team coach Li Yan, the other is King 构词成分。, there will not be without their help me today. "My teacher, admits: behind her condition was too smooth, new fan has a history of little-known, yet sad, she was living in poverty, was not willing to buy even dozens of dollars ' worth of clothes, or even anemia and even food to eat wellInsist on training. And she can has today of achievements has is by parents in basement repair shoes made to of money little is came of, fan can new of parents to this reporter revealed: "this children very mature, we in insufficient 10 square of cabin in, family of eat, and live and do mended business are set in has together, she also often to we playing a start, help we do some live, she has never does notWe worry about. "Yesterday, reporter and coach Ma Qingzhong fan to call a new enlightenment, when talking about Coco new growing up, Ma Qingzhong very excitedly told reporters:" this child is too bitter, the qitaihe speed skating after class, due to the out of the money to buy a well fitting skates, I'll give her a set of others without skates, skates. Because it does not fit,New Coco's feet had worn, downside up pus and blood. Her mother side and rubbing blood and tears. In addition, excessive energy consumption, nutrition and couldnt keep up, these children very weak Constitution, 2008 check identified suffer from exercise-induced anemia, almost passed out several times. Indeed, the ' daughter of Cobblers ' through unremitting efforts can go to today is really not easy, I was moved."Expert prediction: new fan that play the main role was too early to be pinned, she also was awarded the new CCTV sports man of the year, in short track speed skating team when depressed, she support 500 m project to defend the Trump advantage, she can become heir apparent to King 构词成分。 leadership team? This reporter had a telephone interview yesterday the national short track speed skating teamYang Zhanwu, from the professional point of view, he analyzed the King 构词成分。 and technical characteristics of the new fan, and that the norm in new long distance is short, now King after leading figures in the 构词成分 cheap runescape items。 era was too early. Yang Zhanwu said to reporters: "500.1-meter is our strength, new absolute fan speed, start and the explosive force is fully played out, she is very talented. But if the King and 构词成分。, sheSpeed endurance and lasting needs to improve, Wang 构词成分。 is the 500 m runescape items, 1000 m, 1500 m short, medium, long, strong new fan is just a short distance, long distance is short, so it is not comprehensive enough. In addition, new fan experience than the King of 构词成分。, let her play the main role, said after she was now the King is too early to 构词成分。 era leader, but she is still young potential unlimited, I hope that she will continue to maintain the top status. "Journalists have blue Others:

