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129733906210315000_170The Swordsman food of Tibet journal, sword of Villa (reporter Wang Daming) last night, martial arts science-fiction drama the Swordsman food of SACF in the Tibetan village of the eight sets of CCTV.  For questioning after the show aired, the show cast and Director Wu Yaqiao respond one by one yesterday, saying he does not use power Director and Nicholas TSE, SA (micro-blogging) Rob plays. Wu Yaqiao explained: "thisOpera took over from me for 6 years, after repeatedly running star wars the old republic commendation power leveling, script writing for 4 years, overthrow the weight is up to 6 times before shooting is very mature. Now we see that women first play was set long ago, shot with almost no changes, I play already more than SA. "Users have also modified by TSE Poser in the shooting and private directors play a negativeMessage swtor pvp valor power leveling, the Director clarified the Wu Yaqiao, "during the entire shoot swtor Mercenary Commendation power leveling, Nicholas TSE is not only for my new very considerate care, perfect lens is in the process of filming requirements, all accused of calling a stag a horse, devoid of truth. ”

