
eq2 platinum comments on the euro-zone February consumer confidence index - FEI

129742939259375000_446On February 20, comments on the euro-zone Finance Ministers meeting: euro-zone Finance Ministers meeting will be held on February 20 to discuss whether to Greece make second round of assistance totalling 130 billion euros loans. Greece loan agreement for a second round of assistance, added a lot of harsh limitation clauses, which include loans to real time monitorGreece Government assistance loan usage. EU leaders on February 17 on Greece's latest aid plan will get a total of 130 billion euros was optimistic lotro gold, but also admit that still needs to take urgent measures to make Greece's debt reduction plan back on track. However, whether or not this aid plan to help Greece economy back on the right track is still doubtful. If successfulRatification of protocols, the favourable base metal and gold prices rebounded, otherwise it will cause Greece debt situation in March of a disorderly default, base metals and gold futures back pressure increases. On February 21, comments on the euro-zone February consumer confidence index: eurozone GDP in the fourth quarter of last year fell by 0.3%, whereGermany GDP fell by 0.2%, France GDP rose by 0.2%. Mired in bad debt crisis in the euro zone countries, among which Italy from the 0.7%, Portugal link reduces the 1.3% of GDP, Spain reduces 0.3%, Greece GDP fell by 7%. Euro-zone January consumer confidence index-20.7, is low since September 2009, only slightly above last December-21.1. ����Publication of better-than-expected euro-zone February consumer confidence index and the January data, the favourable base metal and gold prices rebounded, otherwise it may pose to the base metal and gold futures rebounding pinned down and drag. Published February 22 2011 comments on the annual statistical bulletin of national economic and social development: on January 17, the National Bureau of statistics has released the 2011 national overall operation and relevant statistical data, in General, the economic data were better than expected. Vice President XI Jinping said on February 17 aion kinah, 2012, China's economy will be in accordance with the steady improvement in the overall tone, continue to maintain stableFast development, never appears the so-called "hard landing". This bulletin published data and tone with the following differences. ����If the bulletin content was better than market expectations, is conducive to stabilising metals futures rebound or higher, otherwise it will cause back pressure on metals futures prices increased. China HSBC PMI in February released preview comment: January HSBC China manufacturingThe purchasing managers ' index (PMI) Preview is 48.8, data more rebound slightly last month, but was still dry below the watershed line 50, manufacturing activity shrink for the third month in a row, or predicts future economic growth will slow further. January social financing scale 955.9 billion yuan in China, 800.1 billion yuan less over the same period, drop 45.56% eq2 platinum, into societySharp drop in capital, in addition to the tight monetary policy factors, and inextricably linked to the slowdown in economic activity. January house prices per cent for the first time in 70 cities all stopped up, real estate industry steps into the winter. ����This China HSBC PMI in February released the preview of the expected values are not very optimistic. Eurozone February PMI published initial comment: last February to 1In January, the euro-zone PMI continuous decline, since November last year, euro-zone PMI began a slight pick-up until January per cent this year, but still below the watershed line 50 is blight, displaying euro-zone manufacturing activity is still in a slump. ����Initial market expected euro-zone February PMI 49.1 per cent. February 23 United States early last week, lostIndustry comments on the announced number of gold: published by the recent series of United States economic data showed that United States economic recovery better than market expectations, especially the employment recovery is good. United States 17th Congress has voted to tax cuts and long-term unemployment payroll tax relief policy Bill postponed to the end of the year, and the Bill has been submitted to United States President Barack Obama, after the signing of theThe law. The Bill passed in favour of United States employment improved further. ����If the United States early last week, gold continued momentum in the recent decline in the number of unemployed, it is actively supported on non-ferrous metals, steel futures prices, or inhibition of the above metals futures prices rebounded. February 24, China cut deposit reserve rate comment: February 18People's Bank of China decided, as of February 24, lowered deposit financial institutions renminbi deposit reserve rate 0.5%. The Central Bank reduced the time much later than expected. In January this year the social size 955.9 billion yuan, per cent lower than 45.6%. January lending 738.1 billion yuan, up less 288.2 billion dollars releasedLoans far below market expectations. Market participants believe that appeared in the Spring Festival in January of this year, some impact on the scale of social finance. In addition, in January reflected social scale of financing compared to significantly reduce the current signs of a slowdown in economic activity. New loans in January fell short of expectations, and central banks cut deposit reserve rate, show the Central Bank's monetary policy is still in tune. Central banks falling on Yu JinThe supporting role of a futures price is limited. Body source: haitong futures

