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129731937091877500_52From: "07073", operation platforms open clothes this week analysis on fully mechanized, tour operation platforms open service gap continued to expand this week, 37wan to open service of the 43 group retains the championship this week, its main game the Dragons will now maintain two sets of high-frequency driving suits every day, weekly 14 groups of new clothing to be 37wan times champion of the most"Hero". 4,399 platform opened serving a group of 27 this week, came in second, owned by the network research and development of new tour of Cavalry of the exalted position of Ming dynasty on February 3, 2012 opened its first suit.  51wan this week's opening service game for the old thermal swimming, but the open service is not reduced, to 25 this week set to open clothing came in third, where the fairies opened the road serving a 7 Group, accounted for the largest opening suit. 9Recent impressive 1wan, in his opening service game of the week, new tour open opening of the Cavalry of the exalted position measurement. 360 game open to take down significantly this week opened serving a group of 23, among the top five, for the 360 game lowest ranking. As the first-line domestic operation platform, 360 games opened serving a collapse in the number of 32.4% within one month, this phenomenon is a strategy or a flatOther problem in itself, it remains to be seen. Played and want to play this week, to 20 group opened serving side-by-side list at six. Main opening service game play are the old thermal swimming, there are no new tour on-line.  You want to play in the open service platform, new swim every day of the Dragon supposed to many the Group opening serving as the platform. Situation analysis, Web game of the week open clothing as the second duozhou ranked rowsList of Champions Tour, the immortal road, with its popular open service to create a legend of one page after another tour. The immortal by the ring road all the company's research and development, is now open serving more than 3,000 groups. This week the immortal road is still continuing its popular open clothes, to 113 group opened serving high ranking first. The Dragon is the most progress page in the travel market tour, launched just over two monthsOver more than 50 platforms operating within time, so far held service over more than 500 groups, its degree of popular shows. This week the weekly opening for the first time to take the Dragon broke the hundred, 103 group results followed by the immortal road, opened clothing. As the Dragon opened two months serving more than 500 sets of hot, RPG page with the theme are the three countries tour the relative decline of the prosperous times three, opened this week to take only the 55 group, And the Dragon is very different from.  In this week's opening service game, with the exception of the fire of the shadow world, and the legend of the Warriors of heaven, and the Ming dynasty fell outside the arena opened clothing, other games this week to open clothing are rising. Third, the comparative analysis of operation platforms open two weeks to take on fully mechanized, operation platforms open service data this week, most of the platform open service data upward orFlat situation. 37wan platform champion this week compared with the open service last week increased 3. 4,399 platform opened serving a group of 27 this week, compared to the 22 groups of open suit last week, progress more evident this week. Open service platform were improved in the near future, but most improved is a 51wan platform. 51wan opening this week take 25 groups, increased compared to last week 8 groups open clothes, rankingReturn to three columns. 91wan platform with new tour of post adjustment and the opening of old thermal swimming clothing, also entering progress platform this week.  360 games recently opened clothing adjustments two weeks open service data are flat, but compared to other platforms in progress, ranking drop many 360 games. On other platforms, 9,377, accompanied the tour network and flying saucersDownward trend in the game, other games are flat or rising trend. Four main games operation platform this week, and this week's operation platform in the main game, continue to main 37wan platform of the Dragon, and record to two sets of frequencies to open every day clothes cheap runescape items, one cycle of 14 groups occupy the open service allows the Dragon 37wan opened this week to take the total number ofRatio of 32.6%. In the travel market now fast to seize the Dragon page, the dominance of the immortal road, still no one can shake, as the first-line domestic operation platform, 51wan this week remained flagship of the immortal road, and occupies 51wan opened this week to take 28% percentage of the total. In addition, the spirit opened serving a total of three 51wan platform after the immortalRoad, 24% per cent of open service.  As flagship of the immortal road 96PK platform, open the clothes as much as 53.3%. Game2 flagship of the proud God of swords, and the kill, in 18 this week in a new set of clothes, the kill God there are 9 sets of new clothes, holding 50% runescape items, proportion, the proud total 7 Group, accounting for 38.9 per cent. Relying on the Dragon49you budding new platform this week remained flagship of the Dragon, 7 set of open suit scores account for 49you this week opened serving a total of 43.75% proportions. Is not selected in the main gaming platforms, 91wan to remove the closed beta of the Cavalry of the world this week, it pioneer its new online network tour in early January of the Kung Fu proven history in the near future. 360Game distribution platform in the new tour opening clothing and little features, thermal tour games were established, new tours in 360 platform.  Play platform with 37wan flagship of the Dragons of the same policy, open service frequency is less than 37wan buy runescape items, but a set of new clothes also make a day of the Dragon will occupy to play this week opened serving a total of 35% proportions. Thanks networkPage analysis reports provide data in support of the game! Find a Web game, 07073 on! Others:

