
Carlos Moya/Diaz

129668763177187500_321Primera Liga-a Massey Bushi scored were blown Barcelona 0-1 behind Real Madrid, 6 NetEase sports reported on November 27: Beijing time on November 27, Barca ushered in Primera Liga 14th round contest, blue and Red Legion team challenge Getafe. Although Barca occupy an absolute advantage in the competition, but the second half but Varela head home by HOME TEAM, eventually playing a 0-1 the red and blue army Getafe to taste first defeat of the season, and in the points standings they hadBehind Real Madrid swtor credits, 6 min. Macy's pitches were blown Barcelona unbeaten Jin Shen on the starting lineup by break behind Real Madrid 6, Peake and Alves return to First team, they composed and Abidal and Marksville defense, midfield Harvey, Busquets and pedicle Asia Al Gore continues to hold hands [sleeves], Sanchez first on strike, he composed the Trident and Messi and Villa. Javier Alejandro Mascherano, andFountas, Cuenca, and Adriano, Keita, peideluohepingtuo you appear on the bench. 2 minute, Alves right straight plug, Villa knock at the door are Carlos Moya-bashing out small angles. 3 minute, Abidal Harvey kicks crossing header gongmen higher. The 7 minute, Villa Bassa frontier free kick won the closed area, Macy's direct knock at the door. 19th minute, Marksville foul left on salabiya get a yellow card, Getafe free kick directly into open, Busquets and Valdez hit together in a scramble, eject bottom line of the ball for the adventure, then home team kicks a chance crossing flat ball, Micou road to soar high choushe. 24 minutes, Larson gets restricted area before the foul Busquets was, Villa free kick straightKnock at the door above. 27 minutes, Sanchez long shots. 29 minute, Barcelona made ingenious tie before the closed area, Carlos Moya beat Messi strike the ball before retaining the FCA Sanchez knock at the door in front of the door frame. 34 minutes, Alves when the ball was knocked down by opponents within the closed area, but the referee did not respond. The 37 minute, Alves returned within the closed area on the right side, SanchezKnock at the door on leap-bashing by Carlos Moya. 41 minutes, Sanchez turned and knock at the door before the closed area is Defender blocking out the bottom line. 42 minutes, casquero Micou low direct knock at the door a little too out bottom line. 44 minutes, Peake midfield defense against Castro in foul the referee gets its. 47 minutes, casquero pedicle Asia after Al Gore get a yellow card. 49th minute, Haddock Lobo replaced Manne for Getafe. 50 minute, Villa free kick crossing header gongmen higher. 54 minute, Varela knock at the door in the back. 56 minutes, Macy's knock at the door before the closed area is Carlos Moya fell on confiscation. 65 minute, Barcelona replaced Keita pedicle sub Diego. 67 minutes, Getafe first achieved goals, salamiya out of the corner kick, Varela roadLeaping tall head home, Vald��s lack of response, Getafe 1-0 lead Barca. The 72 minute, Castro handball foul get a yellow card, followed by Barcelona with Cuenca and Pedro Sanchez and replaced Marksville. 76 minutes, Massey with ball knock at the door after smash were Defender blocking out. 78 minutes, haddock Lobo handball foul get a yellow card, Barcelona get bannedSites of free kick opportunities, Harvey direct knock at the door are human wall blocking out. The 80 minute, Pedro knock at the door are Carlos Moya retaining within the closed area. The 81 minute, Pedro once again given the opportunity within the closed area, but Carlos Moya his gongmen confiscated. 84 minutes, Getafe Rions replaced salabiya. 87 minutes, Getafe are great counterattack opportunity, however Micou in front two on twoCase of ball Shots wide. 89 minutes, Macy's knock at the door before the closed area is intensive deployment of guards blocking out again. The 90 minute, Busquets falls within the closed area, judge finds its Schwalbe, gets them. Last minute Keita assists Massey broke, but edge Conference considered offside prior was found invalid, but playback display is cards ' Massey defense himself stabbed Rowe passed back to the zone.Bushi stage Barcelona subsequently made threats to counterattack, Massey in the restricted area hit by a knock at the door pillars, final Barcelona away 0-1 to taste first defeat of the season. Getafe (4 swtor power leveling,231): Carlos Moya/Diaz, and Rafah, and Varela, and Manne (48 ' haddock Lobo)/, and Michelle Larson/salabiya (84 ' Rios), casquero, Castrol (92 ' Rodriguez)/mKubasa (433): Valdez/Alves, and Peake, and Abidal, and Marksville (72 ' Cuenca)/Busquets, Harvey, pedicel Asia gold (65 ' Keita)/Sanchez (72 ' Pedro), Lionel Messi and Villa welcome first negative vote how you see the Barcelona 0-1 season behind Real Madrid, 6? The League had just openedBegan, Barcelona still have time to fanchao Barca beset by injury, portfolio depth enough Barcelona encounter bottlenecks, tactical sense of a lack of fresh Barca dynasty was subversive view results by Real Madrid this season starting and ending time: 2011-11-27

