
operation is very difficult

129667716777802892_24Li Yang's foreign wives that were economic blockade for tuition with daughter find a lawyer Li Yang (information figure) people's network on November 26 November 25 was set by the United Nations "international day for the Elimination of domestic violence". Founder Li Yang crazy English lady Kim24 debut today with my daughter "Red Maple women's hotline" anti-violence day seminar. The battered husbands abused United States women speak of the first sentence is: "today is Thanksgiving and I and my daughterThank you very much. "Legislative defect Kim thin Chinese police has nothing to do with high star wars the old republic, hit red dress. Although with choking, but could not hide her courage, passion and kindness. Kim said her home after the storm, was the sister-in-law of a child, Li Yang's assistants, who help has not been answered. "I hold at the police station gate child of 3 swtor power leveling, took 10 minutes to go in. "Police asked KiM needs any help, Kim said, can you offer me any help? Due to the lack of laws against Storm makes "police would like to help me, but I do not know what to do." Mus musculus storm Li Yang difficult close to get along with people in Kim's strong request, couple to the Maple women's hotline for help. Hotline's founder Wang Hangjuan told reporters that Li Yang grew up with grandparents and return to the parentAfter the side often suffered from beating and scolding, "he almost incapable of establishing intimate relationships with people. "He never told his wife that" I love you ". When experts called Li Yang hug when his wife, he was for a long time not budge an inch. Li Yang refused to accept the psychological counseling since then, has said on many occasions, "our marriage is to test products, mainly want to know about United States form of education. "He even said:"After storm events at home, I blew up, crazy English not affected, was also making a banner to support me. "At this point, Kim decides not only to stand out, is determined to divorce. Lawyer daughter tuition while married for 12 years, Li Yang has been the economic embargo to my wife. Kim said that when she was injured to the hospital for an examination, was only $ 2000. In yesterday's "Red MapleHotline "to find little room was packed with people, Kim said," Li Yang has a lot of houses, whose name is Li Yang and my sister-in-law. If I can have a House, it is important to do for women subject to domestic violence shelters. "Li Yang per month will give his wife a red envelope, to shopping and life. Daughter encountered large expenses such as tuition, "I need to call Li YangHand or sister-in-law child application. "Yesterday, Kim admitted:" my child's tuition fees find a lawyer, I now live from the children of tuition. "Case difficulty Li Yang Li Yang and just how much money on December 15, Kim the divorce case will be heard. Last time and she and her husband calls a month ago. After the events of their own storm, was more than two people passMicroblogging to understand their situation. Li Yang has no clear-cut stand on divorce, looked more like the "drag". Famous public interest lawyer Guo Jianmei strongly yesterday expressed her concerns, "I believe Li Yang has been transferred away most of his property. "The lawyer said Guo, Li Yang in divorce cases the greatest difficulties is that he was in the end how much money? Kim and three daughters on earth can see too muchMoney? Help Li Yang and create a "Crazy English" for Kim, property was, she was the most direct expression of the rights and dignity. And to understand Li Yang's "base" number, operation is very difficult, requires law enforcement officers have a strong sense of "gender", even the judge Greenlights, the lawyer investigation of property rights. Guo Jianmei, said the case mustHigh profile trials, because of its very large impact on the future in similar cases.

