
they are not allowed to pick and roll directly after shooting. "As a champion team

129667750477021642_168Earlier this season, four slogans Beijing gives, not too many people believe it. Marbury said "champion" goals, more people think it's an American joke. But just last night, the Beijing team after last season, will unseat defending champion again in Dongguan away to 104:92. Even if Guangdong Hongyuan have Yi and immediately joined the Brookes, has 6 names in an arrayHands, but in the end waving his fists, but is the men's basketball team in Beijing to celebrate the victory of man. 3 consecutive victories, Beijing team smiling proud of CBA League for the new season. Last season, men's basketball team in Beijing also has a fantastic start to, also in the team defeat the Guangdong team and achieved record of 6 WINS 1 defeat. But on that occasion, Beijing won some lucky wounded camp in Guangdong Province, in the most difficult period. Last nightLater, the Guangdong team in addition to the foreign aid SINGLETON won 33-15 rebounds, the other players play a meagre, United Arab Emirates was injured midway through Guangdong team was upset the overall deployment. Only errors, the Guangdong team up to 20 times, which makes Beijing team won an awful lot of Counterstrike opportunities. Beijing 5 people team scores double, Marbury, Ji 喆 and Zhu Yanxi 3 people and cut down the whole team the highest 18, Even if Beijing team only 11 free throw opportunities, but 10 of them in a penalty. Beijing team won the ball although not as exciting as when gunnin ' Phoenix Suns in Liaoning, but Marbury was rushed after the whistle ending Min lulei side to coach American-style kiss. "I'm very happy. "Min lulei very lucky this year signed up with Marbury the old republic power leveling, in his view, as long as the Marbury, ballTeams will be able to forward all the way. As soon as a coach, has not been men min lulei said with a smile, "Marbury is the leader of our team, in the presence, we are good friends, with him on the pitch, I am very reassured. The past two months, Marbury completely conquered the us can say that I, and his feelings are difficult to watch, he was happy. "Tomorrow night, men's basketball team in Beijing will continue to be away from homeTour game against last season, ending his streak of Dongguan new century. Art Beijing team "sort of" defending champions available to more people, min lulei had more confidence. Even in the face of defending champion Beijing team has no stage fright, and mutual trust between team-mates, Zhu Yanxi shooting several times does not, stand in min lulei still was encouraging applause, while in the past, hePerhaps too quick to swear, everything has changed. Marbury is the axis of Beijing, Li Xuelin is the brains of the team, two people like lubricants, will have a machine running well. "And the Guangdong team to fight, we are challenging themselves, the players very well, especially the third section we nipped the score, established certain advantages in psychological. "Min LuRay believed that last season team of the winning team is in Guangdong Province and Inner Mongolia, element of luck, "but this game I've seen the team's progress through the game, also built up the team's confidence. "Min lulei said he requires players before the match, facing the Guangdong team opponents have to stick up, not because competitors are national champion, is hot, it feared opponents," by watching the game videos, We also found after the Guangdong team through the pick and roll, particularly many opportunities to come directly, so we need to strengthen the centre forward position on the Web swtor power leveling, they are not allowed to pick and roll directly after shooting. "As a champion team, Li Chunjiang defeat on the game look very pale, he said the arena last season lost the team wins, it's normal. "This year we trained together in relatively short time,Also expected at around 4, 5 round when losing, is now ahead of appeared. "

