
do not want to go out. Park Sung Chul wow power leveling do not want to go out. Park Sung Chul - G

129823466873750000_88Park Sung Chul: not into the national team do not regret that I do not just within the use of Putonghua is not good His character is not within, some issues in language exchanges only; he is not home, and likes to make friends. He was team-mates on the field can rely on the old Park, is fan favorite putaimeng. After one season, Park Sung Chul is a midfielder of the heart of national security, for the 5 goals he won the team's striker King. Xianghe base yesterday, reporters to interview him.Park Sung Chul is saying, "say it again" or "what do you mean", but his Mandarin Chinese is very fluent, and his skill and popularity increased with his proficiency in flying. State goal? I have all the luck FW: two consecutive games scoring, did you state very well recently? Park Sung Chul: a few of my goals are very lucky. But my statusReally good. FW: goal, whether the increase in the number of locations once upon lumbar to the sidewalk and you about? Park Sung Chul: can not say. Although I now is avant-garde, but sometimes also be transposed to the frontal waist tape on location. One brother became after frontal waist tape, we have front attack combined with smooth, transposition of several rooms we also make attacking more changes. FW: shooterKing, such a goal is, or continue? Park Sung Chul: my goal is also the team's results, without the help of teammates, I was unable to complete the scoring. As long as we work together, may be the next goal is the other person, or I TERA Gold, can continue to score well. FW: compared to last season, your defensive capabilities also has the more obvious upgrade�� Park Sung Chul: knowing the deficiencies of the course to make up for. When winter begins, including the coaches and team-mates have helped me improve this capability. FW: do you feel there is any need to improve? Park Sung Chul: learning the more I talk to big brother, including the timing of the attack, defensive shots, I need to continue to strengthen. FW: statusSo good was not selected for the national team TERA Power Leveling, do you regret? Park Sung Chul: there's nothing to regret, while entering the national team is a member of a recognized, but national team coach had his selection criteria, may be I did not meet. I just want to represent national security playing well every game. Putaimeng? I am not a Otaku FW: why do other people in the team call you park? Park Sung Chul:National olymplic, when players call me, I don't know why, later the national security so called down. FW: you know a lot of fans call you putaimeng? Park Sung Chul: I know, this may be like my fan on my call. FW: which one do you prefer, both called? Park Sung Chul: actually, sort of. They are willing to callHymns, anyway, I will not use this address to call their own. FW: within your character, you're an otaku? Park Sung Chul: what Otaku meant? FW: just likes to stay at home, do not want to go out. Park Sung Chul: of course not, who like it's OK to stay at home. Holiday I would find friends eat dinner together, go shopping, look at movies and whatnot�� In fact I was not within, just common words were not good. On the title on the private life girlfriend? I'm still single FW: have arrived in Beijing for almost two years, you have adapted to life here? Park Sung Chul: 1.5 years. All right, Beijing is a great city, downtown, also many times before. FW: heard that you rented a House, the gameSeason team training often go to the xianghe, does go back a lot less chance of? Park Sung Chul: indeed, although the room is not big wow power leveling, but at least is my little nest, sometimes have less opportunity to go back. But players should stay in the team, I also enjoy being with team-mates. FW: you will cook it at home when? How about cooking? Park Sung Chul: Sometimes, but cooking is bad, will do the dishes is not much, is tomato fried egg a few. FW: now many ages as big players and you have a girlfriend, you solve the problem? Park Sung Chul: personal questions are what does that mean? FW: is: have you got a girlfriend? Park Sung Chul: not yet. Team training in the game was too busy when notFind Ah. FW: what kind of girls do you like? Park Sung Chul: well, the sth Can't tell you, otherwise we all know you write. This edition/reporter Yang Yang whisper King intern Others:

