
Editor Diablo 3 CD-KEY Editor - RIHV

129833416163077500_804CNS, Shanghai, June 4 (reporters Chen Jing and Wang Zhiguo)-earlier this year, lives in aunt boxing road, Pudong, Li met a whammy and when she passes through a residential building, was hit in the shoulder by a large bag stool. Was unable to find a specific actor, possible infringement of four families, she told the Court. Shanghai Pudong new area people's Court said today, the Court recently made aTrial, four families were given a compensation of $ 600, aunt rejected Lee's other claims. Things took place on January 3, 2012. That evening, aunt and son Lee went home via through the Shouguang road when a community SWTOR Credits, when went to the 15th Street near, only to hear "goes", aunt Lee is in the shoulders is something to hit. A closer look at,So is a packages of toilet paper wrapped stool! Down jacket, Cardigan wearing were dirty, aunt Lee is no little surprise people, sustained of God to only set the scene for more than 10 minutes. 5:53 P.M., aunt Lee son 110 alarm, police to the scene to view; 7 o'clock in the evening Rift Platinum, after aunt Lee personal cleansing, Shouguang road Diablo 3 CD-KEY, unit belongs, a 15th neighborhood Committee againstMap case. Then aunt Lee will be accompanied by two social workers to the scene to see, and 15th respectively to Shouguang road, Room 301 rooms, Room 401, 501, 601, ask questions. However, the people inside have been denied throwing dirt. The next day, aunt Lee again went to the scene to observe and take pictures. Because the did not find specific actor, her 15th, Shouguang road, unitRoom 301, 401, 501, 601 rooms four family to court. Aunt LEE mentioned in the complaint, my down jacket and sweater is high-altitude throwing dirt dirty; when the matter himself for a long time, unable to sleep, mental harm, and therefore call for the four defendants common fees $ 900, moral damage compensation for loss of clothing comfort gold 9000 Yuan. The Court held that aunt Lee a 15th in Shouguang road, unit corresponds to the location of the community when the road facing south balcony, was hit by thrown feces, caused by wearing a down jacket and sweater defaced. Because it is difficult to determine a specific actor, aunt Sue Lee sought compensation may be injuring the four defendants, court permission. However, as aunt Lee failed to provide foulingDown invoices to prove its worth, sweater defaced sites are unlikely, you can continue to use after cleaning, therefore, the Court determined, as appropriate, aunt Lee's losses to $ 600, borne by the four defendants are $ 150. Court dismissed the aunties LEE sought comfort gold against mental damage. (Editor: Qiu Yuming) Others:

