
endowment problems facing an increasingly acute problem

129836519565156250_210Russia won't raise retirement age In Russia, whether it should postpone the retirement age is one of the community continued to discussing hot topics in recent years. Although Russia workforce reduction, endowment problems facing an increasingly acute problem, but Russia said senior leaders, will not raise the retirement age for the time being. Russia is one of the retirement age lower than countries in the world, currently 60 years for men, women 55. In addition about one-third of special populations to early retirement, including mothers with 5 or more than 5 children, high risk industries such as workers and residents living near the Arctic circle. Meanwhile official site, Russia's demographic situation was deteriorating. There are 10 workers to feed 6 retirees, but the Russian labor-age is reduced to 400,000 per year rate, in accordance with this reductionLess speed, by 2030 will be 6 workers to feed 10 retiree. Russian pension system, there are several major problems: accumulated payment period is short, only 5 years working to pay staff and little enterprises out of premiums paid, to the heavy burden on State finance. In February of this year, then-Prime Minister Putin about social policies in the election article says, the costs in the field of ultraGross domestic product of 10%, equivalent to one-fourth per cent of the Government budget. Last year, then Shatalov, Russian Deputy Finance Minister pointed out that, of the Russian pension fund deficit to 900 billion rubles ($ 175.8 billion yuan), and will further increase the deficit amount to predict the future. In recent years, the Russian Finance Ministry and some international organizations have suggested raising the retirement age. Russian moneyDepartment had proposed from 2015, gradually raising the retirement age, until the retirement age for men and women was flat at 63 years of age. In January of this year, Deputy Governor of the World Bank for Europe and Central Asia Affairs in feilipu��weilu said, due to population reduction by 2050 and Russia will reduce the number of working residents of 25 million. He suggested that Russia, like many European countries,, Raising the retirement age read more, and to enhance the stability of the pension system. Addition to the Russian Ministry of foreign, Russia's negative attitude to raise the retirement age of other government departments. Last year, the Russian Ministry of health and social development based on factors such as the Russian people's real-life short raised objections. The Department believes that implementation of this measure needs to have a certain degree of social conditions, including the improvement of civic life.Now-Russian male life expectancy of 62 years to 63 years. This means, if you raise the retirement age to 63 years, there would be a part of Russia didn't live to receive the pension age for men. President Vladimir Putin has insisted in recent years, raising the retirement age is not currently available, is not required, in the future within a foreseeable time, Russia won't raise the retirement age. Current totalLimeideweijiefu has repeatedly stressed, the Russian Government is not about raising the retirement age of formal or non-formal decision, such a decision must be fully discussed with the people and after detailed analysis can be made. Today, Russia has set out to solve the problems existing in the pension system. After Putin as President in early May, introduced obliging the Government to study Russia's pension system development plan, toSeeking departments to find ways to increase the Endowment Fund, and measures to preserve the Endowment Fund and ensure that the investments of the pension fund benefits. Russia has just formed a new Government in early May, the original "Ministry of health and social development" into "health" and "the Ministry of labour and social security", whose focus is to improve the pension system. New Ministry of labor and Social Security DepartmentLong makeximu��tuopilin has said, the Department worked out before October this year on the issue of retirement assessment report.

