
tera gold accused China of lax fight against fake and shoddy products - VKF

129773991388281250_24United States air force, three generations of the main cluster of face aging, F-15C fighter (information) United Kingdom, Reuters tera gold, March 26 reported that the United States Government investigators recently used a fictitious "company" purchased from the online electronic parts of a number of weapons tera power leveling, which the seller from China, and this "company" buys part of the is fake. United States StateMeeting this fuss, accused China of lax fight against fake and shoddy products tera power leveling, United States national security and soldiers "in danger". United States Congress new Government Accountability Office released a report saying that, in these United States "company" 396 vendors to sell weapons parts, there are 334 people from China. This United States "firm" end from 13 Chinese vendorsPurchased in 16 parts. Inspection by independent test labs found that buy parts are fakes. Including some for the United States Air Force F-15 fighters, Navy V-22 "Osprey" fighters of the parts, and nuclear submarines. United States Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman Carl * Levin represents the contents of the report were "very worrying", and sees "Findings may enrage every American ". Levin also claimed that "refusal to thoroughly crack down on fake and shoddy products in China", which leads to "our national security and our men and women in the soldier's safety is in jeopardy", and this led to United States "the loss of thousands of jobs". Levin also claimed that the Government Accountability Office's report clearly shows that the Chinese fakes can be "easily"Into the United States market. In his view, given the "poor fake", United States Department of Commerce and homeland security should use executive powers to prevent counterfeit products into the United States. However, the Government Accountability Office warned that the report's findings were based on a small sample, cannot be used to infer fake and shoddy products the scope of the actual. In fact, Levin and Senate Armed Services CommitteeAnother heavyweight members of John McCain as early as last November, has criticized China on the matter, they accused China of failing to prevent the "flood" the fake parts were installed on the United States on weapons systems. They also said at that time, the military confirmed that from 2009 onwards have been found from the 1800 cases involving the military of counterfeit parts. But the Chinese side then rejectedLevin and McCain's allegations. Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei has pointed out that on this issue, the Chinese Government has been committed to the fight against fake and shoddy products. Hong Lei said: "the Chinese Government has always attached importance to and actively promotes and Central Government authorities on cooperation in the field of fight against fake and shoddy products. Such efforts is obvious. " Others:

