
tera gold then from the vents to escape. Abodulelaheman told Reuters - JQO

129770869265468750_9Iraq, Kirkuk police confirmed on 23rd, 19 prisoners at dawn on the day of this northern city, a prison escape, two of them have been sentenced to death, many people with "base" Organization had an affair. The details of prison gang prisoners divergent views. Local police have begun to blanket search and hunt for the fugitives. Crime Kirkuk Police spokesman Sakhat * al-Qadir back to 23rd comeMedia litigation, local time 23rd, some prisoners escaped from the detention centre of the Department of the Interior, Filat prison. Guards ' after the inventory identified fugitive totals 19. Tasifeilate prison is located within the courtyard of Kirkuk city centre police station tera gold, heavily guarded, is usually a felony suspect transferred custody prior to the trial, long-term detention of convicted felons。 Agence France-Presse quoted a security official who did not publicly name reports: "including, Some of whom have been criminal, some people are still awaiting trial. Tak Sun said that two death row escape in sentencing convicted of terror event, killed 300 people. Ansaerxunnijun is Iraq against one of the United States armed with the "bases" close. Climb the small window located 290 km north of Baghdad, the capital of Kirkuk was Iraq Northern oil city, North regionActive in the core area of the United States armed. Iraq armed activities against the United States in 2006 after weakening, to Kirkuk to Kurdish areas in the North of the Centre of Kurdish, Shiite and Sunni political center. Vice Governor of Kirkuk province and 23rd place members have come forward to confirm escape. Turning to escape, a police spokesman said al-Qadir, a prisoner with a blanket made from ropeCable, from the small window of the prison escape. But Deputy Kirkuk police chief Torhan * abodulelaheman said, prison inmates removed installed on the bathroom ceiling ventilation device, then from the vents to escape. Abodulelaheman told Reuters, most fugitive terrorist-related charges in jail, prison related investigation is in progress. Anesthetic under the police did not say moreWhy occurred when prison guards prison without the knowledge. Kirkuk local * Assi Abdullah told reporters, the escape exposure "security vulnerability", it is clear that "someone". He said that before the escape of prisoners, it was to the guards ' some dates with anesthetic liquid immersion, so prison guards the night sleep in the past. Escaped prisoner is not a group of prisonersDate palm "hemp". Police had blocked access to the city's main thoroughfare. In September last year, 35 arrested prisoners from Iraq's northern city of Mosul a prison sewer escape. Later, police arrested 21 people. Affect the Summit security triggered questions as 24th in the League of Arab States Summit held in Baghdad, the escape, and the recentEven the bombing occurred, triggered questions Iraq authorities the ability to maintain stability. But the League insists on not the Summit venue, believed that Iraq's security protection. 24th Summit will be Iraq 20 years backing a meet so many leaders of the Arab countries. As of 23rd diablo 3 gold, Jordan, and Lebanon diablo 3 power leveling, the Palestinian Authority, Yemen, and Kuwait, rope horsesLane, Djibouti, Mauritania, Tunisia, Comoros has confirmed to attend. The three main topics of the Summit is Syria, Palestinian-Israeli conflict and the situation Yemen reconciliation process. Others:

