
tera power leveling although made to five goals before entering the sports brands in the world - CJ

129784668232866250_423Li Ning four gap and Nike Nike from the founding in 1963, 1972, officially named for NIKE, till today it has gone beyond leading brand adidas, Puma, Reebok, was praised as a "nearly 20 years of newly created the most successful consumer goods companies in the world." Li-Ning since 1989 has been founded for more than two years, although as the overlord of Chinese sports brands, but in world sports brandField was crowned as something presentable. Where did Li Ning gap and Nike, southern leader Liu Zuke thinks is mainly reflected in the following four aspects: first, on the image representative of the distinction: top gap between star and second rate star of modern advertising generally take the form of celebrity endorsements tera gold, on the one hand, genjiu psychologist, people will always be temptation to celebrity endorsements, whether it is a good thingOr a bad thing, our minds are born will not hesitate to focus our attention more towards celebrity. In addition, a purely promotional products advertising and a celebrity to promote there product advertising and broadcasting, guided by the subconscious of, the audience would cast any doubt on pure product ad delivery information, famous people but for those who in the subconscious as a friendRecommendation made by the trust. Sales of celebrity influence naturally formed. First look at the Nike lineup of spokesmen, basketball area of Kobe, James, Anthony, Parker, football field Ronaldo, Hiboult, Didier Drogba, such as tennis, Nadal, Maria Sharapova, the mouthpiece cover almost all areas of the top stars. These celebritiesAdvocacy first to bring a brand promotion, makes people more excited to see Star deepened in people's minds the image of Nike, Nike is more widely known. Second, the star endorsements will increase confidence in the product in the minds of the people, play of Bryant in Nike shoes are so amazing, I wore it to have excellent performance. Again, to some extent, many sports fansWhen you see the idea of a star endorsement will find any links between themselves and the Star: we were wearing Nike shoes. Many young sports fans will rush to buy Nike shoes, to mimic your superstar. In short, top star endorsement brand was distributed, not only, will boost from sales to some extent. Look Li-Ning's spokesman, Neill, and Turner, andJones, o ' Neill, of course the earlier very well-known, but is close to retirement age, on the field of arrogance not have, it's hard to get people combined with a first-class brand. A who endorsement of the athletic career was drawing to a close, are chambers a similar motion, dynamic brand positioning. Turner, Jones is no reputation, select few people know almost second-rate celebrity endorsements, Li-Ning internationally knownDifficult to upgrade, sports fans are not sought after. From the principles of advertising the use of celebrity endorsements, because their choice advocate awareness of small, thus attracting attention is clearly much less and, secondly, very few people can be obtained from the unknown second rate star endorsement of product trust. Behind celebrity endorsements are not only a lot of brand awareness on the promotion of weak,And less impact on sales. Second, the choice of advertising media: top media gap with second rate media evaluation of advertising media is good or bad there are many factors, such as reach, coverage, authoritative, and so on. It has a close relationship with brand strategy, brand selection of local media, need to choose if you want to become an international brand of international media,Will continue to benefit from the international media to be brand communication, expectations for higher visibility. On the choice of advertising media, targeting the international brand of Li Ning and the gap is very large compared to Nike. Nike's long-term dominance in the international sports brand and it is inseparable from the choice of the advertising media. TV choice, Nike select national authoritative media of high ratings,Choose CCTV in China as the major media, and among the Middle spot, which can increase the rate of audience and reach. Media in newspapers and magazines, and Nike select national sports newspapers, magazines, such as in the sporting magazine in the country, the basketball, such as vanguard. Nike's most effective advertising media is kept in the Olympic Games and the World CupWorld attention on the events of publicity, such as the 2010 South Africa World Cup Nike invited to its endorsement star playing legend for the filming of the video, widely attracted the attention of target audiences, and thus the most effective brand preferences and purchase intentions. In contrast, Li-Ning, although made to five goals before entering the sports brands in the world, but there is little advertising in the international media. Although Li NingSo at home had also been in the CCTV's advertising, but if you want to get out of China needs more select media for advocacy at the international level. At international tournaments was rarely seen on Li Ning, even in 2008, organised by the local community also failed to get sponsorship of the Olympic Games, see Li Ning is even more difficult to figure in the World Cup. Brand if they wanted to go to the world, on the international advertising is a mustSo, the only way to get branding better dissemination, truly become an international brand. In this regard, the Li-Ning and Nike have a big gap, the walk is still a long way. Third, brand positioning: focusing on gaps and flooding from the functional positioning of the brand, Nike has been the pursuit of professional sport equipment for sport-loving people. Starting from the creation of Nike, focusing on sports, itFirmly grasp the movement that more and more people pay attention to fields, focusing on sport equipment for sport-loving people. It is learnt that the Nike headquarters has a team of hundreds of people, who according to rising consumer demand, the body mechanics, optimization products, paying attention to development, high scientific and technological content of the leading shoe. This professional attitude, Nike Sport products have been well received byCustomers welcome. Nike sports position makes more consumers saw Nike would like their favorite sports, Nike and movement fused together. Nike apart from the functional positioning movement, aspirations in brand positioning is spread on a dare to struggle, enterprising spirit of sport. This sports spirit communication is undoubtedly the Nike brandGreat success of the operation, it is more capable of inspiring people to love the aspirations of the movement. Held it by sponsoring a wide range of sporting spirit of the movement spread all over the world, making the pursuit of Nike is also in pursuit of a positive spirit of sport. In contrast, Li-Ning, its brand has been on the functional positioning gives people the feeling spread. Li Ning's position has been in motionAnd oscillates between leisure, this swing is the consequence of consumers unable to determine whether he is a sport or leisure. So there is no clear position is unable to grasp the consequences of its customers, more talk about cultivating customer groups. In the context of increasingly fierce competition in the market, who do a more professional, more focused on one area tera gold, who will be able to grasp the customer, you can get considerable development.Brand personality demands on positioning, Li Ning's practices more cannot equate and Nike. It seems to be ignoring the brand personality which on the one hand, he cannot find a mental or personality in all kinds of brand communication. From Gallup did for Li Ning before investigations can be detected in: consumers think "Li Ning" as their side of a character is not distinct friends, he is very kind,Very well, however was the lack of a distinct personality. Brands are like people, a person of character will make you bear in mind, on the contrary, but it is difficult to leave a deep impression, Nike has played a very good role model in this respect. Four, target market positioning: gap between people who love sport and young people as the people's standard of living and improving the concept of, rising awareness of movement of people, especiallyIt is young people. Broader market will lead to endless return, seize the trend of Nike, target market positioning itself as a sport-loving people. In determining the target market at the same time, Nike also in product design, research and development in a more professional approach to creating the first-class sports equipment, for the movement of people brings safety and comfort. In terms of brand communication, Nike is adhering to the movement, aTopics, promoting the sport, Nike in conjunction with exercise. When you see more movement of people wearing Nike shoes Gallop in the playground when we find Nike's target market is so accurate. Li Ning has been committed to their target market to young people, between the ages of 14~28sui, mainly students, cities, go in for sports,Advocating internationalization of trendy fashion and fashion trends of the population. But according to statistics the real core Li-Ning sports goods consumer purchase age is between 18~45sui tera power leveling, living in the secondary cities, middle income, non-"heavy consumers of sports". 2010 Li Ning is modifying their logo, and the appearance of slogan changed to "Make thE Change "(change), in order to be able to attract the eyes of young people, doing so may be missing is the direct consequence of the original loyalty, customer loyalty is a prejudice. Nike and its position compared to the practice for all those who love sports, less a lot, locate the sport-loving people will not hurt some consumers, are more peopleHolding. Target different market positioning, after guiding product design and brand communication, and so on, when Li-Ning product design tended to be younger, brand communication even more young people is the idea of generation, the intangible has hurt the feelings of the original customer, they gradually reduce purchase and support for Li Ning, Li Ning would be a loss. "Li Ning is wild,Nike is the daughter of an eminent family ", wild mountain to become the daughter of an eminent family, in all aspects was needed to improve ourselves. Others:

