
tera gold - WLY

129788454338593750_92Takeshi Okada: players great fear for them I have no right to constant zhizhao Into gold on April 13 in Guangzhou NetEase sports report: Super League in the sixth round, to take over in Guangzhou evergrande team play (Club official Twitter) to Lectra 3-1 Hangzhou Greentown. After the game, Takeshi Okada considered Greentown first half and played very well, players constant Brigade with some fear. To be the country of evergrande zhizhao against AFC Champions Bo Sun God, Takeshi Okada said the gameGreen city lost 1-3, so he is not eligible for constant zhizhao. Following is a Conference record: Takeshi Okada: we played the first half very unsatisfactory and players hang with some fear, despite losing two goals of the second half, but better than the first half plays, final score reflects our spirit of never giving up. Here wish constant in next week's AFC Champions race to get betterAchievement. Q: may I ask Mr Takeshi Okada, your current green city will be able to put up with it? Takeshi Okada: outcomes does not too happy, but we still have to keep on playing and build their own their own style. Q: if he had been concerned at King's Apollo's performance in AFC Champions, and constant contrast, do you think evergrande can win next week's game? Mr OkadaTakeshi: I first saw, evergrande's performance is very good, so believe next week's AFC Champions of evergrande will also play the game well, they will have a good result. Question: constant portfolio is to take over in play today to win a green city, evergrande do you think if you participate in the j-League, win they will have the strength right? Takeshi Okada: ranked how much this hard to say noParticipated in the j-League is hard to say. But I also said yesterday the Guangzhou evergrande is one of the top teams in Asia, so I think his participation in j-League tera gold, should also be able to obtain good results. Q: you are Japan coach Bo Sun of God should know, could you to constant battle Cedar Sun some advice? Takeshi Okada: 3-1 lost today, we are not qualified toConstant advice. Q: is the boss not giving you specific requirements, so you can be so bold to transform the team tera power leveling, do not worry too much. Takeshi Okada: as a coach is to stick to their style, I had to do was put the team's ability to play, if the boss let me leave tera gold, I can leave. Others:

