
tera power leveling also provide hedge funds last year annualised returns of up to 120% - QKQ

129770871306562500_11New Express (micro-blogging) trainee reporter recently visited the market in Guangzhou Lu Kunqian new letters found gold investment companies have sprung up, more "Street shop" (store)-oriented investors. Many industry insiders told reporters, in five ministries issued a gold exchange or gold trading platform on strengthening management of notification (short of theCircular), although some "faux gold exchange" has been banned, but did not affect gold investments in precious metals trading company, operating, and their "Street shop" shop speed is faster. However tera power leveling, reporters learned that some gold investment company operating as a franchisee, or "home Exchange" front row "external" operating practice.Investors choose gold transaction time, be sure to remove the scales from one's eyes. T-d day express, gold VS gold for gold investment companies spring up like mushrooms, Shanghai gold exchange (the "gold exchange") members do not appear to move. Reporters saw in the market, including gold companies in Guangdong Province (microblogging), Guangdong treasure of gold investmentCapital limited (micro-blogging) Member gold exchange is a rare gold Live trading business, is still the traditional physical bullion trading or trading in gold and silver coins, and even some gold development business. Reporter learned that, members of the gold exchange is so "calm down", in fact, policy-relevant, industry insiders told reporters, "gold Exchange's members now mainTwo kinds of comprehensive member and finance class members, including class members gold t-d business only in the face of corporate customers, only financial members, that is, banks, to be able to launch this kind of business. "He said," in fact, t-d most of the investment is an individual customer, companies rarely choose this product. "Gold 1 day pass fees and leverage advantagePotential "skytone gold is popular, not because of its low rates, high leverage it? "Miss Wong said of the term t-d gold product. New news reporters to earlier launched t-d gold product of the industrial and commercial bank, for example, in terms of leverage, low asking price on the exchange rate does not, only agent fees, than Heaven Gold was more than 8 out of more than 1 timeTo reach 18.����Heaven Gold fees than the comparison of ICBC's half journalist found that precious metals Exchange, Tianjin (hereinafter referred to as "expensive") before the introduction of t-d gold product, that Heaven Gold rates very attractive indeed. To build positions, namely gold 1000G, price $ 330 positions/g, for example, in ICBC positions, fee required 59$ 4, buy Heaven Gold only $ 264, charges differ by more than 1 time.����In fact, the processing fee is not only the positions, unwinding t d products for sale or pay fees, to a buy and a sell, open price of $ 340/g, for example, day pass gold only $ 536, while ICBC to 1206 Yuan fee. "I was shouted at procedure rates and select play day-pass gold."Miss Wong said.����Reporters noted that many gold investment companies in marketing products is also a comparison of outstanding fees. Heaven Gold and Bank leverage ratio difference of 7.5 times in addition to fees, investors are more concerned with investment leverage. T-d gold product, expectations of investors with high risk, low cost, and this is also reflected in the margin leverageSurface.����In addition, through leverage of up to 12.5 times times the gold, however, ICBC provided t-d gold product can only provide 5 times leverage, margin difference of 7.5 times only, that you want to buy $ 100 worth of assets, gold only need to invest $ 8 in heaven, ICBC required input 20 $. In addition, ICBC's delayed overnight cost is higher than Heaven Gold, 2.5And 0.5 per cent higher than Heaven Gold, while ICBC for discount price, that is to calculate the conversion of positions on the day of the final price, day pass gold positions price calculation. However, reporters observed, ICBC provided paper gold price is lower than the gold exchange, to 1:30 yesterday, for example, bank account $ 333.54 buy price per gram of gold, gold gold exchange$ 335.45/, to buy gold 1000G, for example, in industrial and purchased in 1910, and the price already contain rates. ICBC-related staff to explain to journalists, this is because the price of ICBC and linked to the international gold price. Those types of investment transactions on time, the basic realization of continuous transactions, 4:00 7:00 from Monday to Saturday, needs moneyLess, RMB account per transaction starting point for Gold 1 gram, 1 gram increments. Days compared with ICBC's precious metals trading platform by your project by your t-d ICBC RMB account t d industrial paper gold trading unit 1000G/hand 1000G/hand 1g quote $ $ $/g/g/g minimum fluctuation 0.0$ 1 $ 0.01/gram/grams $ 0.01/g 4:00 8:00 trading hours Monday morning to Saturday morning, and MO 8:50-11:30, 13:30-15:30; from 7:00 to 6:00 for clearing every Monday morning hours Tuesday-Friday 9:00-11:30, 13:30-15:30 week4:00 continuous trading six minimum performance bonds 8%, leverage transaction 20%---transaction fee amount to 12.5 times times 0.8%. 1.8%. ---0.2% value when the positions of the extension fee. Conversion price/day 0.25%. /---(Note: the above data are from the industrial and commercial bank telephone banking service) 25 ministries halted days pass gold does not accept new customers and old customers are still at the end of last year, the State Council issued on the reorganization of the various types of Exchange effectively guard against financial risks of the decision (38th) requires clean up and rectify all kinds of exchanges, five ministries issued subsequently indicated that only Shanghai gold exchange, the Shanghai Futures Exchange is approved by the State Council or consentAfter the exchange of gold trading, halted by the day your new customer business.����Officials had indicated at that time tera gold, for old customers "phasing" model. However, shortly thereafter the day your site disclosure of Tianjin, Tianjin Municipal Government issued on consent of precious metal exchange limited formally operating approval (hereinafter referred to as "reply"), clear TianjinFinancial supervision by the Office on the day of your function, since then, the days of the day your old customers through gold trading is not on schedule "phasing", reporters from each business day Tong gold bullion investment company understands that although not attracting new customers, but old customer transactions are still good.����But heaven AG is operating properly. "Example 1" Miss Wong on October 14, 2011To $ 330/g gold buy 1-day pass, and on October 17, 2011 day-pass gold prices rose to $ 340/keshiping cartridge, which the security deposit is $ 26,400, costs include transaction fee, deferment fee. Security deposit: $ 330x1000x1x8%=26400 transaction fee: positions: 330x1000x1x0.8%. Unwinding = $ 264: 340x1000x1x0.8%. = $ 272 extension: 330x1000x1x0.2%. $ X3=198 "example 2" Miss Wong on October 14, 2011 at a price $ 330/g in ICBC buy 1000G, at 2011, October 17 the price rises to $ 340/keshiping warehouse, security, transaction fee, deferment fee is calculated as follows. Security deposit: $ 330x1000x1x20%=66000 transaction fee: positions: 330x1000x1x1.8%. = $ 594 positions: 340x1000x1x1.8%. Fee = $ 612 for the night: 340 (open price is discount price) x1000x3x0.25%. = $ 255 investors investing in gold companies needed to "having" trainee Lu Kunqian after five ministries issued new letters, the Guangzhou market has had a number of "faux gold exchange" fall, but there are still all kinds of gold investmentChinese company swept the market. Investors must be aware of the risks. It is learnt that the gold investment company "sprouted" initiator must mention to franchisee model from the company.����These types of investment companies to the days of your membership. "Shanzhai" software to beware of a new Express Reporter learned that, as a general rule, your members need to become day in heavenTianjin Bohai area set up the company, and after becoming a member will normally be established in North Canton and other economically developed region operations center, proprietary models, also join agents of models, these models belong to the regular members. Thus, this agent now forms of gold investment and rapid development of the company. However, insiders who asked not to be named to theNew Express Reporter revealed, General these company will directly to Tianjin, and Beijing, to looking for mother company (also is has member units qualification of company), and looking for currently Guangdong area or Guangzhou area still is not is agent of mother company, became the company of joined commercial, "became joined commercial Hou, in continues to enclosure of needs Xia, they and to joined form continues to development off the, speed up preemption marketThe pace and now often say ' goldsmith shop more than m ' which is the franchisee to participate in. "Reporter learned that, when the current franchisee development off the agent, some do not even charge, have requirements about the location of outlets only," these two agents, you can earn commissions through the development of the number of investors to the parent company, therefore does not need toTo the three agents to charge a fee, and three agents can immediately profit from the absorption to the customer, this cycle is reduced and therefore attracts many off the branch, to rapidly expand.����"The people familiar with the matter said. However, although billed is a member of its branches, but the risks are not small. Tian Pengfei to reporters the new letters, "Enough to provide member number, but investors must pay attention, now underground fried gold gold investment in the use of basic software and regular software, ordinary investors to pick up what is the ' cottage ' software, if you have to go through such institutions trade in gold, the best method is to directly call the branch's parent company, asking whether you're in a place with sales departmentOr a branch.����"The gold exchange and your heading in addition to the outside to create their own brand, gold investment company has adopted" platform "model, this model is based on the first model, to provide a variety of products and wealth management services as a selling point, itself acts as a third-party platform, form and financial supermarket. Last September in CantonState opening of Guangzhou bling enterprises limited (hereinafter referred to as "Bling") as an example, at present, the company already has 3 types of brokerage business, that is, its main development shop, compared with the General at the Office of gold investment company, Bling easy direct access to potential flow. Fang Lina describes bling brand manager, "our aim as in bestCargo companies, act as Terminal gold company investors and intermediaries. "But the maximum cost of this model is to build on clients ' teams as well as leasing and renovation of the store," haizhu shop 800 square meters, for example, renovation of about $ 1 million. "As a result, the bling now in Panyu district, haizhu district, as well as with business points only temporarily in the Tianhe central business districtThe perimeter. However, gold, Chief Analyst at Tian Pengfei said in Guangdong Province, which seems perfect, but is not easy to achieve, "just like having Gold member of Exchange and the days of your qualification is by far the most perfect combination of, in fact does not do so, because the two are mutually exclusive, because a lot of companies prefer to own gold investment development, rather thanHands on someone. "Bling has also admitted to reporters after once and related platform for members to discuss agency business," but they prefer to make their own Terminal.����"Fang Lina told reporters, several investments are now talking about, also in perfect, hoped that the April financial platform scale. Lessons from "times of fried gold" from agent systemsIn fact, the recent events in "times of fried gold" has been advertised specification also embarrass Hong Kong trade of gold and silver are in place.����Tipping is used for the incident of the agent system. Reporter learned that, investors are victims of this high leverage ratio of temptation and stationed in 1:100. However due to outside investment, the trust of investors and the agentsPersonal account instead of the escrow account investment funds, payee only after verification of funds transferred to the trading account. After the event by the media exposure, Zhong Tian Hong Kong Holdings Limited ("transit in Hong Kong") stated that the transit and transit in Hong Kong and the Mainland is not associated, but Zenith Zenith gold trading brokers is the Mainland of Hong Kong, to provide the service. However, as thingsDevelopment, transit Hong Kong Gold and silver, President of the industry trade eventually advised Hong Kong suspended zhongtian group of electronic transactions in Hong Kong, and will reduce its licence from the A1 class to class d, that is, there is no business licence shall suspend operations ended. In fact, after the "fried golden underground" circles have been rumors, trade gold and silver industry of Hong Kong is the only release of "regulator"The platforms are competing to claim to be members of the Hong Kong trade of gold and silver, leverage a unified 1:100, which goes perfectly the mentality of investors looking for regulators asylum. Recommends that the risk-taking ability of talents may recommend t-d Zhang Zufeng playing Gold investors, "risk tolerance low, older investors should beInvestment in physical gold, with particular investment banks issuing physical gold. "He said," it was as issued by each institution currently only recycle its own physical gold, although higher bank charges, but that some investors used to preserve, first before taking into account the recovery of investment. "If you are interested in gold investment, investors can bear a certain risk, studyTaking into account the Bank paper gold, "which some investors typically do not have much time, 1:1 of paper gold trading risk less, without long-term fixed disk. "Zhang Zufeng recommended that" only have time to read the disc, as well as risk can t stand d gold investment. "Tian Pengfei also said that" because of the five ministries in the text explicitly provides for rectification of time 6Months, believe that in the middle of this year, reform will have a result. During this time, investors should also focus on risks. "Alternative gold investments companies try out hedge funds currently on the market in Guangzhou, is part of the gold investment company has been established for a period of time, generally in 2008 established your before and after the establishment of the day, they had had to operate dayPass gold silver and day passes, while developing some of the real gold bullion investment business.����But as the days pass gold business is to stop new customers tera power leveling, which they dominated by skytone silver, and establish their own brand, the brand launched its real gold bars. Jinding gold was established in 2008 to Guangzhou investment company limited ("Guangzhou jinding"), for example, it was one of the first members of the day yourOne of the group currently has 7 companies, including investment in a factory to produce its own gold bars.����Guangzhou jinding President Zhang Zufeng to reporters, not including mine, Guangzhou jinding basic through the gold investment in upstream and downstream industry chain. In addition to developing their own brands, reflection on the financing of Guangzhou, also provide hedge funds last year annualised returns of up to 120%, Zhang Zufeng told reporters, "launched last year is of limited partners in private equity, registered in the country, raising $ 50 million last year, mainly t-d domestic gold transactions, similar to this year's Fund was registered in the Cayman Islands, mainly cast United States gold futures market, is now ready to prospectuses. "But reporters learned, to join this FundThreshold is not low, threshold at home last year to raise funds for the $ 2 million, or $ 300,000 this year. Fried gold outside chaos Others:

