
tera power leveling another man in the hands of a package - ZMU

129770966729531250_85Two passengers got off, forgotten in a taxi reserved car of the password box. Dege opened it startled, in the password box tied with hundreds of hundred bills. Even more surprising is that this $ 1 million were counterfeit money! 21st provincial capital dege young master encountered such a thing. Yesterday afternoon, recalled two days ago, young master is also a bit "Fear of ", admitting that he did not know the money is fake. The 1 million yuan of counterfeit money is where it comes from? This two passengers why so many counterfeit money? At present, the area police have been involved in the investigation. When two passengers forget master password box Yang is one dege of Anhui public taxi companies. About 21st, he drove through the exhibition Pearl PlazaWhen the heart, two man beckoned Park, one of the men pulled a password box, another man in the hands of a package, also carrying a pack on the back. "Two people dressed in very careful, look like a boss. "Young master memories. A man put the password box to reserve a taxi van, then two people aboard and told Master Yang in Huizhou in the South loop and under the road intersection。 After boarding, talking to two people to hold the foreign accent. "After they get on the train without saying a few words, only when it comes to restaurants. "The car quickly and Huizhou to South Central Avenue intersection. One man out of the car and the other man pulled out a hundred bills. Dr master at, this one hundred bills broke in the Middle, is made of cloth sticking up, ask for one. The two people seem to so fast,Invoice also had no fight left, reserve the car of a password box is forgotten. At this point, Dr masters also did not know, keep driving. Password box-Pak bundle of hundred bills until at 13 o'clock in the afternoon the same day, lost password boxes are found within the reserve car. At that time, the young master, driving past submerged road, stopped the car by two passengers, said to the railway station. One of the passengers with a lotThings, boxes, and bags. Dr who quickly get off the open reserve car, surprised to find, should have a password box in the backup car! Young chefs carefully think back for a moment, password box car on the morning of the day only from Pearl Plaza, two men get on. Password box unlocked, carrying heavy, young master, opened it, hundreds of neatly placed inside a bundle of hundred dollars bills! Young master, was blown away on the spot, then slow to God. "Passengers have lost large sums tera gold, must be very worried. "Young master, quickly shut the backup car, and to explain to the two passengers" passengers lost in front of the box, certainly in a hurry tera power leveling, I took things in the company. Sorry, can't give you. "The two passengers were understanding. Young master, immediately get on the train, the meterPress down. Taxi all the way a gallop, quickly to a taxi company in yaohai Park of Anhui public. SSO million bills are found after Dr master password box equipped with a large sum to the company immediately. At this point, the manager Chen Xingwu was on duty. That huge sums in the password box, Chen Xingwu immediate reporting to the General Manager Wang Lei, and arrange special guard. In the Conference Room of the company,Staff opened the password boxes, money for inventory, found at 100 bundle of hundred dollars bills, a total of $ 1 million, in the inventory, staff found some strange places, each bundle of money is wrapped in plastic, plastic packing, also bear the four traditional Chinese characters. First turn it on tera power leveling, is (RMB) positive (a pattern), Avatar, the last one is (RMB) negative (a pattern). One side is white, and finally a positive white, are white in the middle. In other words, the money is fake! The staff immediately called the police. Soon, the police arrived at the scene, took these notes after the photo evidence. Mystery with $ 1 million of counterfeit money, a mysterious man who is it? ThisSome notes of where it comes from? The two mysterious men what is identity? There is a mystery. According to Dr masters memories, the two men speaking Cantonese accent, about thirty or forty years old, said at the time was to the South ring road of Huizhou and nearby restaurants. After boarding only says "Teahouse", talk little. When you get off, the two men did not want tickets. After the incident, the two men have not appeared.The two men were counterfeit money? Or use counterfeit money cheat? Why they have so many notes to Hefei? Them to the restaurant do? Full of mist. Dialogue does not know that this sum was yesterday afternoon, dege of reporters not to pocket the money one has picked up Dr master. Reporter: do you know the money is in the password box? Dr Cook: don't know. There is money in the box when theI was surprised when, first time I see so much money. Reporter: seeing so much money, do you not? Dr Cook: not things cannot get it yourself. Care from, if you lost something, must be in a hurry. Reporter: you often do. Dr Cook: this is what we should do. (Pan Qiao Feng Lanyou) (Editors: Zhang Jun) Others:

