
tera power leveling media and entertainment sector today strong stocks most of the floating red - U

129771807856656060_70Subject application of pressure, the a-share market swings lower in early trading. Shanghai composite index closed at 2359.57 points, down 0.68%; shenzhenchengzhi close at 9963.13 points, down 0.76%.  According to today's investment, "analyst online" system according to the current market weather-cloudy, that stage of short-term shocks to the market trend is weak. The State Council recently approved and transmitted to the nationalChanging of the focus on the 2012 reform of the economic system, which clearly calls, introduced to research this year to encourage policy measures to promote the development of cultural industries. The opinions put forward, this year the Ministry of culture, television, the press and publication administration, Ministry of finance and other departments, to continue to promote the culture of enterprise reform. Actively promoting the non-political newspaper publishing unit systemThe reform.  Research encourages introduced policy measures to promote the development of cultural industries, cultural construction of property right exchange market pilot, promote the rational flow of cultural products and elements. Morning industry track. Recent circular of the State Council on 2012 focused on deepening economic system reform, development and Reform Commission opinion, which clearly calls, introduced this year to look into the drumLai policy measures to promote the development of cultural industries. Affected by this news, media and entertainment sector today strong stocks most of the floating red, midday up 1.64% ranks up top. In a recent meeting on China textile machinery Association, are particularly stressed, China textile machinery industry output value of more than $ 100 billion, is more important, the textile industry has entered aA new stage of development, access to billions of times. Take the textile machinery industry trend is strong in early trading, midday up 0.76% up second place in the standings. At yesterday's "the fifth Shandong to refining and marketing and Development Summit and the fourth session of the Forum of Chinese and foreign oil" on the national development and Reform Commission, Energy Research Institute, Deputy Director of the Center for energy economics and development strategy, the Policy CenterExecutive Director Jiang Xin said, thinking of the current reform of refined oil pricing mechanism is when international oil prices less than $ 130 a, product pricing or handed over to the three major oil companies independent of the right price. Under the influence of the oil industry fell in early trading, fell midday 1.86%, decreases in second place in the standings. In addition, the motorcycle, the financial industry and wine-making sectors outperform; shipbuilding, environmental protectionIndustry and water supply, gas supply stocks underperform. Today's trend of investment by 11 brokers on the market today: read: 0 tera gold, fence: 6, 5, index slid to 0% today. Analysts said the economic growth as the market expected tera power leveling, short-term economic success to achieve a soft landing in China, is currently waiting for a share of the market'sThe core issues of concern, successful soft landing to continue to focus on monetary policy, credit hedging effect; current economic fundamentals still does not appear clear soft landing signals, credit expansion was relatively slow, the real economy is waiting for many specific details of economic policies to further the implementation of the central stage, signal of a share is waiting for the economy to a soft landing. In addition, the currentValuation Office historical section at the bottom, the space suppression stock index falling significantly, due 21st rolling PE 14.71 times times a year in the city, CSI 300 valuations for 11.88, refer to the minimum PE10.95 CSI 300 times, valuations are still at the bottom, valuations concerns structural differentiation low valuation in the context of investment opportunities. Taken together, presentPolicy orientation of economic trends and the next tera gold, when turning expected economic growth did not occur, it is difficult to panic fell. Expected short-term market shocks to disadvantaged situation. At the same time, online analyst data show, the a-share market in the medium-term trends in the process of, security position line is 50%. Others:

