
aoc gold he wanted to withdraw in February - MTC

129724941993050594_36Shenyang evening news reported on January 31, January 29, Patani when初七because. A festive atmosphere of the Festival have not faded, a family of extremely brutal tragedy shencheng staged: a six man personally killed his wife, son and daughter-in-law!   Even more daunting is that the tragedy was 3 years old girl witnessed! News is, the child cries wake GrandpaThink tank, after the granddaughter had lulled him to sleep, he swallowed sleeping pills prepared committed suicide.   Halfway through the climb stairs, drug seizures fell asleep sth "Police knocked at the door and no one should be, called the King of locks" Patani when初七because, many people still immersed in the joy and peaceful festive atmosphere. Tiexi district, your Street near the North Quad's "Xin Feng NGA" community as well. That evening at 7:50,Some residents are still eating the "reunion", a police car's arrival broke the peace of the community.   Residents of 4-7 building, in particular, was nervous, because the police car parked in front of the building. Several residents whispered: "evening getting 5 units of the old family getting bigger, seems to have a fight, if he had an accident? "Residents said he wasMr LI, aged 34, "more than 100 square meters of the House, Toyota overbearing cars, garage, living quite wealthy. "Sure enough, several police headed for 5 units of Lao Li. An eyewitness said: "police knocking, no one promised, immediately called the King of one lock, said the door was locked from the inside. A moment, the King opened the door locked, the result is quite a big jump,Room was out of the event! "" Grandpa killed my parents and grandmother "civilian police of the police station is tiexi district, Tuk, why they police it? "Old Li's relatives reported to the police force, said it might be killing people. "After the police entered the room, found the study with 3 people lying on the floor, blood flow a lot, have been no signs of life. Shock the civilian police is, in the bedroomA girl asleep!   In addition, on the 6 floor attic aoc gold, also found a old, lying on the ground but still breathing. After the little girl to wake up, her answer once again shocked by the police: 3 respectively in the lie in his study is her father, mother and grandmother! Garret who was her grandfather!   Civilian police of the most incomprehensible is that the murderer turned out to be Grandpa! “The first two days it was such a family reunion "murder stunned the community residents. In the limelight, a dozen police cars arrived at the scene, relatives arrived at with tears. Community residents said: "I heard a relative said, the second day also come together for a reunion dinner tera power leveling, how when初七because happens such a tragedy? "Survey the scene, after identifying suspects, three funeral cars to pull out of three is notFortunately people, tiexi vitamin of the old man was taken to a nearby hospital. According to the hospital, man eating sleeping pills are still in a coma.   After a night of rescue, to January 30 as early as 6 o'clock, old man waking up tera power leveling, was brought back to tiexi ICPO/Interpol team reviews. "Old Lee and his son there is a contradiction" are there any rancour? Man made this human tragedy?It is understood that the old man surnamed Li, 62 years old, and lived with his wife, aged 62 in Dadong district, the incident was his second son. Son killed 34, daughter-in-law of 32 years. "Old Lee and his son there are contradictions, his wife's son.   "An insider told reporters. This introduction to Insider: "he used to be a small business, and later to his son, son a month to his$ 10,000 money. Lao Li fun, particularly gambling, spending money pretty rushed in. Later his living son fell to $ 3,000. Living to the end of January, he wanted to withdraw in February, but his son does not agree, had a quarrel over a few days ago, he went to the hospital, said to be his wife and son. He has threatened retaliation, everyone thinks that say play, did not want toTo get down the ruthless hands.   "An insider said, Lao Li's wife on the day to take their children for my son, Lao Li took his dagger to, stabbed his son in his study, stabbed to death again hear the shouts to his wife, daughter-in-law home, old Lee raised his knife sth "The granddaughter cries wake Grandpa of reason", "3 is the most poor children! "Little girl eyesWitnessed this human tragedy, was frightened as they burst into tears, crying woke Lao Li's reason, he put down his dagger, granddaughter to the bedroom, even lying to persuade coaxed her to sleep. Child is asleep, Lao Li you spend rummaging through to find a bottle of sleeping pills, only 17 films, all after swallowing an insufficient number, wanted to go to 6/f, jumped to the attic, the result just climb the attic, hypnotic attack fell asleep. Lao Li because of family conflicts cause hatred and premeditated murder confessed criminal motives. At present, he has criminal detention by the police, the case is being further proceedings. "Author: Caijing Roundup" (Editor: Enami)

