
diablo 3 power leveling personnel must be made on the basis of fair - FBR

129756711645312500_962Xinhuanet, Beijing, March 6 (reporters Ling Junhui and and Chou Yi and and Li Jiangtao)-entrance in an area of "ice-breaking", autonomous enrollment "pinched tip", rural students "study hard"--are getting into "the Sham Shui Po District" has been the reform of college entrance examination of deep-seated contradictions and difficulties faced. Entrance is the main goal of personnel, personnel must be made on the basis of fair, since "teachingUnfair education "is the greatest injustice. The Government work report, promoting education system reform, gradually resolving examination admission of outstanding issues. How to handle the relationship between fair and good selection, explains the profound contradictions of the reform of college entrance examination, become the focus of attention of representatives from grass-roots members. "College entrance examination in an area" ice: is promoting education equity and anti-"the immigrants for NCEE" Department of the Ministry of educationLong Yuan guiren recently disclosed, has entered the entrance programme in an area "final sprint stage". Some members considered that the move to the promoting education equity, but how to avoid "the immigrants for NCEE" become more prominent, is a new topic. "This was a timely rain for tens of millions of migrant workers ' children, but for the current education system, was a severe test. "In Qidong, Jiangsu ProvinceLong Wang said tera gold, the existing entrance examination for admissions are based around the development level, the number of candidates, and resources allocation of higher education, is a "relative". Offsite entrance if ill-conceived, invaded Beijing, Shanghai, Jiangsu and other colleges and universities in the implementation of enrichment opportunities for candidates, new injustice. Director of the Research Office of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee, Wang Zhan said that urbanization rate in China has more than 50%In this context, upcoming offsite is to ride the entrance programme. But in the case of serious uneven education resources, once let go too quickly, is likely to trigger a new round of "the immigrants for NCEE" offsite to gradual reform of college entrance examination diablo 3 power leveling, adhere to the "small step". How to avoid a new round of "the immigrants for NCEE"? Shen Zhigang suggested, can take the lead in the entrance programme in an area in the outsidersFewer pilot, and suit measures to local conditions to impose restrictions. Of course, States should make efforts to narrow the gap in education resources, fundamentally avoid massive "the immigrants for NCEE". For the actual needs of the children of migrant workers, Shen Zhigang representatives believe that higher vocational education of college entrance examination in an area you can first open, gradually reduce the threshold of transition from vet to higher education, so that more "Second generation migrant workers "gain skills in urban development. Autonomous enrollment "pinched tip": "Science only selected" no "secondary entrance examination" ahead of the two sessions, "NATO" 11 universities and "Warsaw Treaty" 7 University autonomous entrance examination held on the same day, "brilliant Alliance" 9 colleges and universities followed, one University "pinched tip" scrimmage representative of caused concern. "Registered in the College independent enrolmentAccess was originally admitted to students for college entrance examination, this shows that innovation is not enough, still is the score on the. "Control of Shanghai Jiang Zhang Qun said school principals, in response to the independent entrance examinations, now senior generally are not new lessons, courses leading to increase pressure. Many candidates are not only more than half a year in advance to enter entrance ramp, also additional spend money to enroll in a special extracurricular courses. "ExpandedUniversity enrolment autonomy is not wrong, but autonomous enrollment did increase the burden on students and parents. "Donghua University Professor Yan Chengzhong said, as the" study of the nude "less famous on," wide net "win more chance of becoming a candidate must choose, this is another entrance battle fatigue. "Do not change the evaluation mechanism of relying too much on mark, independent recruitment is in the common entrance examination,Difficult to achieve scientific selection. "Wang said: how to explore students ' evaluation mechanisms, are the key to success of independent recruitment pilot. Road to explore the social examination in the future, by a third party examination, cancel the centralized admission, students may take the examination results independently apply for colleges and universities. Wang ronghua, Director of the Shanghai education development foundation representatives believe that domestic universities nowOn the comprehensive University "by" homogenization serious. "There is no foundation of quality education in primary and secondary schools, and not to lead the characteristics of colleges, just playing tricks on independent recruitment, this reform will be difficult to walk. "Solving" poor family to study hard ":" preferential admission "to" equal opportunity "for the percentage of rural students in colleges and universities" shrunk "phenomenon, in recent years, Tsinghua University,Renmin University of China, have introduced autonomous preferential admissions policies, tilt toward candidates in rural areas, applauded the raise. But some deputies believed that Ze was in care can only be a very small number of elite students diablo 3 power leveling, "poor family students" massive talent, needed Government "systematic assistance". Yuan SI, Vice President of Tsinghua University representatives admitted last year, a total of 8 students from poor rural families by preferentialPolicy study in Tsinghua University. This year, the Tsinghua University, Nanjing University, launched the "self-improvement plan", selected candidates may enjoy preferential from 30 minutes to 60 minutes to vote. "Of course, in contrast to the wider rural candidates, only a fraction of this. "Higher education" ' poor family out of your son ', involves both education fair, also related to social stability. "The President of Renmin UniversityJI Baocheng, President of the representative believed that college recruiting structure should be more scientific, having regard to the interests of rural students to study more. "Admitted to universities is only first step in growth of children in rural areas. "Member of the GAO Shu, a Professor of Nanjing University, some United States lower scores early in the college recruiting black children, but after due to the Varsity lax discipline, success rate is not high. For admission of students in rural areas, University teaching,Living and employment development of specialized training programmes, improve its success rate. "Rural students, the crux is the uneven distribution of urban and rural education resources and opportunities fair. "Pang Lijuan, a Professor of the Department of education, Beijing Normal University proposed that current state of financial adequacy, first 12 years of compulsory education in the rural areas," which guarantees that students in rural areas to more qualified at the UniversityAnd gradually narrowing the gap between urban and rural education. "(Editor: Qiu Yuming) Others:

