
wot power leveling but only hardware conditions - NYN

129756542912812500_44Kam po CCTV experts accepted an exclusive interview with this newspaper in Beijing Wang Yucheng said: I'm not arguing no debate does not see the certificate "Kam po we do not see the certificate" is both a Professor of the history Department of the Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of social sciences, who is also the heritage of many treasures such as CCTV program experts, King breeding work is very busy, he told reporters that evening just from Xinjiang hetian area back. When reporters referred to WuHer piece of Changhua chicken-blood stones wot power leveling, said Wang Yucheng immediately impressed, even remembered the looks of this collection. He remembers and other 3 Kam po expert, on the 9-kilogram "bloodstone" a careful appraisal, have come to the conclusion, this "bloodstone" as synthetic. In the testing center was informed that the stone is real time, he must be told in mindAccording to his more than 40 years of heritage research and "get started" watching, he will not change the judgement, that is, he still thinks this "bloodstone" is false. He commissioned Bao reporters tell people: "if we could return, has receded. "When reporters mention certificate when a matter, said Wang Yucheng, his attitude towards this matter is" no argument or debate ", because whether heSay anything, Bao holders to identify the institution is likely to hurt. He said identification instrument is indeed relevant information to capture the treasures inside, but only hardware conditions, it cannot be integrated with multiple horizontal comparison, that is why all the treasure site, when experts in Kam po, never to see whether there is a certificate of cause. He also said that he remember Ms Wu's "chickenBlood stone "with a red substance," if it is true, blocks to knock it down, market can sell for millions of dollars. "Learned that our readers are very concerned about this matter, King bred to reporters on the current market situation a lot of heritage, advised readers to be able to maintain a cool head, don't try to repair the leaky part of a roof can be rich, because," 99.9% of the dropcatching are legends! "HeSaid that, with the development of the market economy, favorite hot is a hot topic in recent years. People had money, hoping to buy something cheap and good, or as an investment, to hedge or can "get". In fact, counterfeiters means to let people off guard. He said that samples of chicken-blood stones and imitation on his hand. "Would you like, go and buy a treasure, to sell thisTreasures of the people definitely know more than you, he will be wrong? Not only that, but in order to sell their products in the hands of wot power leveling, he would have concocted some incredible stories, or pretended mysteries, attracts you and make you believe that, I buy! "Wang Yucheng to hotan, now on the market have generated over a seed material, for example," producing seeds of hetian River has gathered quite a number of years, the resource is almostExhausted, but you see, placing on the market of seed material throughout the country, a large number, it can be said that these seeds are actually seeds n times. "He suggested that readers wot power leveling, purchased prior to collection make sure you learn relevant knowledge, read more, learn more about," get started "look and would sell buy as little as possible. "180,000, is not a small number, not ordinary people can afford."Wang Yucheng shook his head, his repeated commissioned reporter, hope to teach my people, and I don't understand something, must be careful when buying, even if they know, and do not easily come up big. Correspondent Shao Lan bought 180,000 when exposed to what is true or false? Yesterday, took readers ' questions, the reporter made a special trip to Beijing Chinese Academy of social sciences, found a previously involved in assessing the chickenBlood stone expert, Director of the Institute's history cultural history heritage expert Wang Yucheng. Gold-line statement: Gold-line reproduced above, does not show confirmed its description for investor use only and does not constitute investment advice. Investors a basis for action, at your own risk.

