
wot power leveling involved in the wireless city builder is quite much - POX

As China's first TD wireless city, Fujian Province, Xiamen city in the construction and development of wireless city in terms of bold exploration, active attempt, accumulated a few successful experience.This reporter recently interviewed in Xiamen this city deputy mayor Pan Shijian pan, vice mayor of wireless city construction and development has a unique insight and experience.He believes that the concept of wireless city -- since there has been a global governments rush.In the world scope, involved in the wireless city builder is quite much, but truly wireless city to run a good success stories but not much.Xiamen city in the city hall support energetically and drive below, take the lead in building China's first TD wireless city.Open since first half of the year, 3G service has been widely used in government, industry and public life in three areas.Whether from the operation mode, the development of domain of application wot power leveling, or on the entire city development of stimulative effect on look, Xiamen TD wireless city have achieved very good results, and for the wireless city construction made beneficial attempt.Why does Xiamen city should take the lead in building TD wireless city?How to accelerate the deployment of wireless city?The government how to use informatization further service people?A few days ago, in Xiamen city hall conference room, Xiamen city deputy mayor Pan Shijian accepted a reporter interview.3G for the development of wireless city opportunities worldwide wireless city construction is successful case is not much, because the operation mode of wireless city is always a difficult problem.The United States of America Philadelphia, the Australian state of New South Wales and China Taipei wireless city development, represented by the 3 modes of the development of wireless city.Philadelphia is the world's first proposed the construction of wireless city plan, was decided by the operators since the self-employed, but because the operator capital pressure too big, run behind one's expenses, finally dropped in 2007 wireless city construction.The Australian state of New South Wales by the government of independent operation mode, but also because the lack of financial resources, in 2008 June canceled deployment of wireless city.China Taipei wireless city models are operators and the government to build a business, but the current operator of loss of NT $10000000 every month.In view of the above lessons, Radio City success must have 3 principles: investment market world of tanks power leveling, diversified technology, resource conservation.In 2006, Xiamen was determined by a new TD trial network of China mobile city, eventually in Xiamen built 1100 base stations, covering 99.3% of the island, 98% of the city area.2007 June, Xiamen mobile was presented based on TD wireless city network construction plan.2008 August, Xiamen city hall through the use of TDSCDMA \/ HSDPA construction wireless city resolution, and provide some preferential policies, such as the coordination of TD installed base, commitment in the same condition priority TD solutions, give priority to the purchase of TD equipment, power industry application of TD technology integration.The government should be to promote wireless city development based on other wireless city construction and operation experience, the market has become Xiamen city hall building wireless city first identified principles, namely, the government is unable to invest and participate in the operation and maintenance of.But this does not mean that the government would stand by, instead world of tanks power leveling, pan deputy mayor thinks, government must be honest and sincere sincere move, otherwise it is impossible to succeed.According to Pan Shijian, only the government to promote the operation of enterprises, in order to realize the sustainable development.He said: \

