
wot power leveling 22 were migrant workers - PMV

129746440088850000_7Press Conference on February 22 wot power leveling, from the Zhengzhou Municipal Department of housing management office of affordable housing that, on December 26 last year, Zhengzhou is intended for public distribution since rented social housing, located in housing support center has received more than 30 copies of application form, 24 were initially approved, ongoing publicity. These 24 people, 22 were migrant workers, they become-Zhengzhou, one of the first community-oriented social housing applicants. Zhengzhou Municipal Department of housing management office of affordable housing deals section Wang Shujiang said: "Zhengzhou public housing construction has been great: Zhengzhou new starting 23 wot power leveling,580 public rental last year, raising 2 world of tanks power leveling,269 social housing; also plans this year to start 22,000 public rental. Application for social housing is now lessWould like to. "Said Wang Shujiang, Zhongyuan district, erqi district and other district and located in a broadly similar. Due to the small number apply for public rental, planned social housing rental distribution earlier this year has still not implemented.

