
star wars the gold republic credits interfere with the smooth progress of the regulation. - AQK

129742915568750000_380Current property market is in a critical period of transition, facing back to rational track, good time to accomplish, regulation must not relax at this juncture. Wuhu city, Anhui Province in recent days announced a contract-free, purchase 90 sq m of housing subsidies and other measures, is considered to be the Dragon's first rescue deal, but only after 3 days then it suddenly is an emergency stop. , Zhongshan city, Guangdong with merchandiseRoom price standard from $ 5,800 per cent to 6,590 dollars per square metre, and caused a stir in the industry. Policy after years of local Government frequently tune led to public speculation and questioning, and many are suspected to ease regulation. After a year of vigorous control, property transactions and land market remains weak, making some areas land transfer payment significantly shrinkReduction, so local governments have managed to control policy impulses. Industry analysis, current property market is in a critical period of transition, facing back to rational track, good time to accomplish, regulation must not relax at this juncture. From April 2010 the property market since the new deal introduced, regulation has taken nearly two years to correct the previous rising price of unilateral and excessive speculationNon-rational development of the property market, property functions to the livelihood of the people, to the rational allocation of housing resources star wars the gold republic credits, to improve the living conditions of the residents of change. Seen from a large background, this transformation is also the transformation of economic development, a key of perfecting the social security system. Whether it's affordable housing construction, is the new home to the return of medium and small sized, has a clear people's livelihood-oriented. Current guaranteed floorCompleted in a series of institutional transformation has been formed, the key lies in whether the implementation in place, "ferment" time determines the effects of how big it is. Wuhu bailout deal aborted once again showed that central commitment to firmly control of the property market, tries to relax control of local governments is a useful warning. In the regulation in a crucial period of stalemate phase, buyers and sellers of game-by-Upgrades, even a small policy changes will trigger market speculation age of conan gold, thus changing the expectations of future, so local governments in fine-tuning of policies they were required. It can be said that price regulation has entered a delicate period, market reaction is highly sensitive to changes at the policy level, for one year after the regulation of the new market conditions rift platinum, both central and localGovernment policy fine-tuning expected, but for the release of signals, as well as potential market reaction to the need for effective assessment. Currently, rebounded slightly in some two or three cities deal, this is related to seasonal factors, still needs to be wary of interest group to enlarge its influence such as developers, intermediary, uproar warmed up on the property market and regulation to relax on the, interfere with the smooth progress of the regulation.

