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129773184457343750_141Hexun homepage established mobile phone version of the stock/fund micro-blogging news blog offers feature new product rolling credit card mortgage debit card electronic bank private bankingCar loan fund debt service fee bank deposit interest rates insurance financial products column financial loan interest rate banks blog Forum Twitter Studio hexun.com Bank > body font size print RSSMarch 26, 2012 source: Beijing News author: Liu Yiding currently, Taian County rural credit cooperatives Union in "loans" Storm Center. Reporter Liu Yiding photo taken in Taian County Liaoning province, from November last year to now, many of the villagers received the "blue" of debt,Some villagers even so scared ill.   Hundreds of villagers said at least, when surveyed, only know their own name is loan. "Loan" broke out, is the sudden death of one of the loan officers. Bank checking accounts, found the loan officers to maintain the $ 30 million is hutuzhang, many person has never been made before.   At present in the local police are investigating. According to journalist adjustableCheck in Taian County, loan officers not following operation "loans" is not the case.   While the Credit Union provides audits on loan, but strictly checks, loan officers the opportunity to become a "Devil traders". This newspaper reporter Liu Yiding Liaoning 3 months, Dongpo Li wanted to clear their own name How do receive three loans for a total of $ 90,000, Anshan city, Liaoning provinceAnxian rural credit cooperatives still did not answer his confusion.   Police also were investigating.   In mid-February, Dongpo Li decided to suspend the work, "full-time" and County Association "knock dead". In Taian County, like the Dongpo Li is waiting for the reply, there are hundreds of others.   Almost all villages of the xinkaihe town in the County. Beginning in November 2011Game of "loan" event, Taian County villagers are in a "debt" of panic. "Grow on trees" loan Duda continuous foam 18 villagers called "loan", in which 4 families are couples back 30,000 Yuan Li Dongbo in Taian County purchased the House from Taian County rural credit cooperatives Union (hereinafter referred to as Tai ' an Association)Public property partition by a wall.   However, in addition to being neighbors, Dongpo Li didn't think about their intersection and credit cooperatives. On November 11, 2011, xinkai credit Han Guoguang visited Dongpo Li, Deputy Director of home zhaojiacun xinkaihe town. Only Dongpo Li's mother is at home at that time, Korea said, $ 30,000 in Dongpo Li overdue loans, need to get up。   Call mother questioned Li Dongbo swtor credits, why loan without his family, also let debt against the door.   On March 12, 2012, Dongpo Li said that when he asked Mongolia by mother, because they have no credit union loans, but the mother is unable to explain. On November 11, 2011, Tai ' an Association of credit to Director Zhao ChangmingTwo trees village, xinkaihe, villager Wang Chenglin verification loans.   Wang Chenglin said his inexplicable, but Zhao Changming documents provided did have his name. Without his wife Zhao Shuyan husband home loans are very angry. Then she was surprised to discover that also has its own name on the list, and Wang Chenglin, their own name a $ 30,000 loan. (It is understood that eachA farmers ' loans up to a limit of 30,000 yuan). "My God, 60,000 Ah, ye also!   "Debts sky, Zhao Shuyan anger and fear, fell ill. "A year ago diablo 3 gold, his son married, most compact when Pakistan did not want a loan, how will the loan?   "Wang Lin was at a loss. Kilometers, Duda even the pickled village, daughter-in-law of Du Changshun Wang Yuqing nameThere were 30,000 yuan loans. "I am the head, stepped in to loan me or my son, do not let their mum to show up.   "Du Changshun said. Old bachelor Du Jiushun in the village, also carry a $ 30,000 loan.   In the eyes of the villagers, Du Jiushun is a kind of "loans" are people who don't understand. According to journalist investigation, Duda and even bubbles 18 says "loan", in which 4 families are couples back 30,000 yuan.   Zhao, madian tera gold, three, Wang Zhuang village has a similar situation. On November 17, 2011, the Dongpo Li xinkai River Credit Union to recover. He met a lot of people and he had the same experience.   Receive them, went to the home of Korea. From Korea membersUnderstand that these loans were loan officers Zhang Jingzhi maintained. "Zhang Jingzhi 's?   "Dongpo Li and a number of villagers, had never heard the name of Zhang Jingzhi. Zhang Jingzhi, aged 53, was of xinkai River Credit Union loan officers.   He did loan officers for more than 20 years, until last year abruptly died. 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