
tera gold the Deputy Prime Minister - MGG

129773438571250000_60 <a href="http://www.power-leveling.us/tera/">tera power leveling</a>On April 1 tera power leveling, the Politburo discussed a few things: first, the current spread all over the country the so-called "Prime Minister will" and "poetry of the Prime Minister to the President", spoofing a number of people who do not know the truth, interference and sabotage the current counter rightist struggle of the verdict on the wind, Nanjing has been whip to make trouble, to take advantage of the Ching Ming Festival (April 4) up to grave-sweepers activities and to send name to commemorate the martyrs of the Yang kaihuiWreaths. Beijing also has a lot of similar things, such as, the trend is worth attention. Among telephone reply Jiangsu and things, Central official documents, such as description of the so-called the will, is the enemy of rumors, interference and sabotage the current struggle of the general direction, to be traced, not fooled. Second, section 51 of the year activities, some comrade not engage garden activities, should be reformed, and seeNot good arrangements. Results 51 sections of activities to reform in the future, once a year (the national day). Change negative this year, current enemies at home and abroad say we go haywire, loophole, over activity, does not impact too large this year. To take advantage of this opportunity to reflect the stability, unity and celebrate the impact initial victory of the rightist verdict on the wind, encouraging people across the country,51 this year Festival is based on methods unchanged last year. Central comrades arranged publish in the newspaper can be divided into three parks are reported, not to pursue the column, only comrades Politburo and Deputy Chairman, the Deputy Prime Minister tera gold, does not engage in list of thousands of people in the past. Recommended Comrade DENG Xiaoping not to attend, other Politburo comrades try to attend. Instructions in early March or March, of the important instructions of Chairman Mao for the time beingCommunicated to the county level, not to expand communication. At present cadre has been studied for nearly a month, party members and cadres at the basic level generally require communication, is it possible to consider the next steps to expand into branches and organs of party-member cadres at all levels, Secretary. Whether the above comments when, instructions. As agreed, Comrade Guo Feng prepare formal reports to the Chairman. Mao Yuanxin April 2 «» Others:

