
world of tanks power leveling basket related to communicate with journalists - VDX

129732242187971250_28SINA sports news Beijing time on February 7 world of tanks power leveling, in the last round of the Beijing team after team challenge team tournament in Qingdao, a media reporter attempts to interview on duty magistrates and technical representatives, but in the end was stopped by field staff and is rejected by the magistrate world of tanks power leveling, ex post facto, the Tweets made by the journalist said he was beaten at the scene, also attracted outside attention on this matter.The matter has aroused the concern of the China Basketball Association, CBA (micro-blogging) heads the League in a media interview also demonstrates the attitude to this matter: basket made it clear that: according to the International Basketball Association and the relevant provisions of the CBA League, was the referee of the match, and technical representatives cannot accept media interviews. If reporters CBA competition disputes have specialOn the export. At present, the basket has been in the League during the second Monday of every month organised media Salon.����And every Monday at three o'clock in the afternoon, the League Office also opened a dedicated media hotline (010-51696024) and welcomed the media views on problems in the League, basket related to communicate with journalists, head of the Association. Baskets at the same timeStressed arenas should strengthen services for media: media service of the China Basketball Association has come a clear regulation.����Competitions in various arenas in the future should be in strict compliance with League media services requirements, enhance their awareness of media services, strengthen the management of order in the arenas wot power leveling, ensure that journalists interview reasonable norms and related work. (Sea God)

