
wot power leveling the Bank raised its earnings growth this year will total 2.2% - UGN

129756355711718750_24Deep development of a March 9, that is, five open 2011-listed Bank annual report this week. Under deep development of a previous announcements on January 30 show, deep development of a projected 2011 full year net profit attributable to the shareholders of listed companies for earnings to $ 9,994,460,000, increased over the same period of 60% To 70%.  Industry expects 2011 listed banks higher probability of net profits exceeded expectations, but net interest margin expanded or had gone to a vertex. Expected net profit growth of 30% there are 8 listed Bank announced results letters, where Minsheng Bank and Hua Xia Bank net profits rose exceed 50%, SDB monomer 45%-50% (With 60%-70%), Shanghai Pudong Development Bank (Twitter) 42% world of tanks power leveling, China Everbright Bank (Twitter) 41%, Bank of Ningbo cent, Bank of Nanjing 39%, Societe Generale Bank cent. Make a major contribution to high banking profits is the net interest margin increased. Benefit from enhanced bargaining power of continuous interest and loans wot power leveling, banks net interest margin has been upgraded to 2.7%, compared toIncreased 20 basis points before.  At the same time, rising interest rates and the bond market also allows non-credit spreads have been improved. CITIC building analysis of investment and securities investment adviser Bo Wang: "CBRC figures show, 2011 $ 1.0412 trillion net profit of the banking system, according to past experience, 16 listed Bank net profit net profit of the banking system of 85%-89%, according to this calculation, 16 listed Bank net profits estimated at $ 885 billion – $. Compared to 2010 net profit, 2011 16 listed Bank net profit growth of about 30%--35%. At present, the market-consistent expectations: 16 listed Bank net profit growth for 2011 30%。 So, 2011 16 listed Bank's net profit exceeded expectations as the probability of the event. "The interest margin expansion and business growth to slow in the Middle sinolink securities research report recently issued Bank plates, as March to may banks disclose annual performance focused, is expected to Bank for the 2012 performance growth attitude still more optimistic, although the growth rate will decline but is expected; For the attitudes of the regulatory constraints, an inquiry report is expected, said appropriate tune to relax this year compared with last year; for refinancing from a share of the second-level market, banks will be more modest; potential for medium-to long-term business environment and system changes will be more cautious, with the principle of gradual advance, does not constitute pressure on short-term profits. Expected 2011 net profits of listed banks rose30%, due to rising interest rates and the bond market rose, the performance is better than market expectations. Oriental securities judgment, banks net interest margins this year there was a high possibility of 2-3 quarter. If this scenario occurs, the Bank raised its earnings growth this year will total 2.2%, around 20%. Therefore, the high profitability of banks in 2012 continued. Shenyin wanguo (microblogging), slightly in 2011 on overall earnings of listed banks, raised from 26% per cent. Is expected to the people's livelihood, ABC continues to lead joint-stock and line, respectively. Net profit growth forecast 2011 50% over to the people's livelihood (57.9%), Chinese (50.2%), other banksIn the context of growth of 20%~50%, 7 joint-stock Bank 41.6% weighted average growth rate (excluding China, peace). Shenyin wanguo researcher Chris NI believes that banking profits high, strength contests began. 2012 credit expanded slightly (added 8 trillion of credit), margin expansion (3-4BP) and intermediate business growth by quarterSlow fluctuations in asset quality will appear as the economic slowdown, bad end of double drop. Gradually approaching to rely on the stability of marketization of interest rate spreads of China banking industry is a challenge for survival.  Therefore maintaining a stable interest rate differentials and the cost of deposit banks is continued success in the future, such as investment promotion and livelihood of the people. Test has been going through market-oriented interest rates nowIndustry criticism that banks profit from the invasion proceeds of the real economy, lianping panshan, Chief Economist for the Bank of communications has been refuted. In his view, better profitability in the banking sector first of all thanks to macro-economic stability, stable credit growth, coupled with the increase in investment funds, growth in interest-bearing assets as a whole is to maintain a stable situation. At the same time, spread to maintainA stable state, slightly expanded, there are intermediate business growth is good.  In addition, Bank of China, the entire cost is relatively low income, foreign income than of 50% or more, and we are 30% a little more, so that bank profitability is relatively high for some. The view was expressed that, market-oriented reform of interest rates may affect silverProfits this year, lianping panshan. In his view wot power leveling, the Bank has actually experienced the test of market interest rates.  For example deposits competition, coupled with financial products, absorb the cost of deposits, liabilities of the banking costs, has increased, in some ways, in fact, that is, market-oriented interest rate reflecting the. GUI haoming shenyin wanguo market research director is consideredAnd net interest margin expanded had gone to a vertex, so the Bank may have in previous years, 100% growth, speed actually slowed last year, the speed will slow further this year. Reporter Chen Ning Chen Guang 2011 public company annual report

