
tera gold in Shaoxing hotel - QUN

129756711430312500_441Yesterday, zhuanta alley, an old man is standing watch against the 84th out of hospital, relocation notice on the wall. Photographer/reporter mottled Yin Yafei wood doors, roof take to the Greenwood, courtyard quiet, 84th, located zhuanta Hutong, Xicheng District, XI TOU Tiao, Lu Xun is known in the creation of the blessed. But a few days ago, the notice posted outside the door that will be removed. Yesterday diablo 3 power leveling,The introduction to project removal, zhuanta alley, 84th and nearby areas, fetch is building and school will be built. Xicheng District Committee, which is not heritage listed or protected courtyard. Residents of "Lu Xun lived not protect you" "say relocation has been started since 2005, but has been removed. Placing way to watch out, it may have moved. This is Mr LU Xun lived in the yard, notCan you protect? "Yesterday at about 1 o'clock in the afternoon, zhuanta Hutong 84th, outside the door, a 70-something resident said. Outside the gate, wall says, "removing" character, there's a sticker on the door "rich returned housing community in western area c project directed placement approach", stated above: rich returned housing for placing of houses in the community project orientation room, area c, Western location, Fengtai District, village of Zhang Yi. Its list of placementsScope, zhuanta alley, 84th in the column. The "way of placing" inscribe is a real estate company. "These two days people have been knocked down to give me a call, I used to talk about removing things. "Living in zhuanta alley 84th, residents said. "Zhuanta hutong alleys of root of title, removed the pity. "Yesterday, one of the fans heard of zhuanta being painted in the alley"Split", said anxiously. Non-heritage listed or protected courtyard, Xicheng District, yesterday, it was stationed in zhuanta alley 84th, not far from the wonderful introduction to Western relocation Office tera gold, units involving zhuanta Hutong, 84th and nearby areas, fetch is building and school will be built. "The House has been renovated several times. "Financial Street, Xicheng District, street brick towers community, Secretary of the wife's last name,Rich zhuanta involved in Western weigai district c demolition alley 84th, and no cultural identity. This is confirmed by Xicheng District Committee. Last night, 7:5 P.M., Xicheng District people's Government Information Office official Twitter, as they understand that zhuanta lane is one of the oldest alleys in Beijing, although the Hutong building beyond recognition on both sides, but Hutong texture remaining cannot be removed。 The prepared demolition of homes, 80, 82, 84, part in planning of green land. After about half an hour, the microblogging again released diablo 3 gold, zhuanta Hutong coordinating demolition of planning required to achieve style, 80, 82, 84, a number are not heritage listed or protected courtyard. Zhuifang 84th, often researchers visit Lu Xun "this Courtyard oftenLu Xun's researchers to visit. "Yesterday, live in zhuanta alley introduced the King of the 84th, more than 50 years, in the courtyard of a House is on the north side of Lu Xun 's" House ". Ms Wong opened a family album, pointing to a picture of a yellow says, photo is before 1976, when Japanese researchers to visit Lu Xun took. Reporters witnessed that the images, the LU Xun's "House" windowIs on paper, eaves is also old. Wang said that, previously, Lu Xun's living room wall is blue brick, two outside doors are. But after the earthquake in 1976, due to the damage to housing, later owner of the House was renovated. After the revision, is now a single door, bricks became the red brick. "Not so long ago, Japanese researchers to Lu Xun, and photographed, Just enough to show the changes of the yard. "Ms Wong pointed to another photo album say, saved all her photos have been scanned into an electronic format," after the removal, do not look to the yard. "Masterpieces of background of the blessing was born in the 84th, yesterday, Mr LU Xun Institute researcher Ongpin said, from 1912 to 1926, Lu Xun in BeijingFor 14 years. Meanwhile, in Shaoxing hotel, Beijing Normal University has eight 11th, Road Bay public library, West zhuanta lane and Fuchengmen three 21st, 61st, lived. Zhuanta alley, 84th, Lu Xun's creation of the blessing of the famous, "in 3 other places are protected, if zhuanta Hutong, 84th homes are demolished, means place of research activities and creation of Lu Xun in BeijingSail away. "Said Ongpin. (Editors: Xie Tian) Others:

