
diablo 3 gold the situation is very delicate - IGO

129773438639843750_233/IC/IC Dragon in the East the great perspective of the East Pearl River Delta industrial micro-research yangcheng evening news reporter Dan Hui strong recruitment difficulties, costs are being fried and fried topics, but for manufacturing of footwear industry, one of the oldest in Dongguan, but still not found solutions programme. According to the yangcheng evening news reporter has learned that the current profit drop to Dongguan shoe and Enterprise only7%, many shoe factories only May, in June, was very cautious. Asked why not June, some shoe factory boss laments, received no workers, recruit workers and afraid of the bad situation in the second half, fired workers have needed a lot of money, it is not. Many shoe companies were exclamation orders "not enough teeth". Recently tera power leveling,Network list the collapse of heat and mass transfer in Dongguan, Dongguan 45 listed companies close down 12 is a shoe factory. Insiders say, shoe enterprises much more than the number of collapsed last year. Industry forecasts, rising, rising raw material and labor costs rise of RMB exchange rate and other factors, June shoes, or face a new round of shuffling. Shoe enterprises profit drops to 7% "shoesBusiness is hard. "In Dongguan Nancheng victory and square United Kingdom work for next shoe company, has been in the shoe industry for more than 10 years, has hit the nail on the head shoe enterprises of the situation. He told reporters that bad footwear businesses, ultimately is a cost issue. To export shoes, for example, a pair of PU women's shoes, the price at around $ 7, follow the exchange rates before 1996 is 56RMB, RMB exchange rate is 42 now, differ by more than 10 million. 1996 salary was $ 300, worker's monthly salary of about $ 900. Base salary is $ 1100 now, wage is around $ 3,000. Rising labor costs, shoes price not rising, profits can only compress and uncompress. IDA shoe is a small micro-enterprises in Dongguan city,Company General Manager Xu Xunhai told reporters that the European debt crisis, many shoe factories not pleasurable, shoes before exporting to foreign countries, foreign companies will go to bank loan payments, now the loan less, part part can only sell the shoes to shoes, back and forth, as a process, Dongguan's shoes tested enterprise capital chain. Can sustain continued to hang in there, not supporting the directClosed down. Left shoes profit now 7% than 20% down 60% a few years earlier. Xu Xunhai like, "now foreigners are very smart, very clearly cost, how much are you make doing business when I came up to you good, you don't do it, there are other people to do it. "Ming Wang shoes there are ten years foreign trade shoes factory, the factory boss Chen Hai-ping told reporters that from 2008He didn't make any money since the year, also lost more than 1 million dollars last year. Optimistic this year could be a bit better, "because orders more than over the same period last year. But some peers are more distressed, such as a shoe factory in houjie, within 2 months of being at a price more than 1 million Yuan changed hands twice. "Only spelt the original capital credit, cost, order, shoes and enterprises must face up to this year's new" three obstacles”。 Reporters learned from the Secretary for trade and industry in Dongguan city, Dongguan shoe manufacturer currently 2,854 (domestic, manufacturing tera power leveling, 317 individual 2,536). As for went out of business the number of last year, does not keep statistics on the industrial and commercial sector. But journalists on the sunshine network in Dongguan Sun communities see a "2011 Dongguan list of business failures", which lists the Dongguan 45Collapse of enterprises, of which 12 are shoes factory. Insiders say, shoe enterprises much more than the number of collapsed last year, after you complete the workers ' wages made by the many shoe companies were closed. Are included in the list of relatively large shoes and enterprises, coupled with the boss volume guy diablo 3 gold, cause bad effects and widely watched, such as sensation of a shoe factory in a shoe factory and a new boss volume guy,Unpaid workers collective to government departments. Reporters saw, after the list posted, click on the number at 9,857, many people are also behind the threads, continue to close down shoe sticking out. The people in the industry, many of the surviving shoe factory is now "through may of this year will be a better state of mind" continue to operate out of pocket, now spelt is the original capital, who carried it for a long time. To MrSay, the past few years, labour-intensive enterprises are faced with considerable pressure, maximum pressure coming from rising costs. Raw materials and labor costs rise faster, costs go up, prices because competition cannot be substantial price increases, cost is difficult to pass on, profits are tightly squeezed. Orders have "not enough teeth" order issue is more of a headache problem."Now very few orders, are not enough teeth. "Shoe Enterprise bosses said that his factory did not receive any orders this year, after June's order failed. Similarly, the Shenzhen workers salary increases have hit the nerve of Dongguan business owners, foreign businessmen in Dongguan city, in February on the tea party and many representatives, hopes that the Dongguan Government measures as soon as possible,Stable labor market. Shoe factory owner, who asked not to be named, said such difficult in fact that there have been a few years. Only in this special environment, the problem was particularly acute. Before he began to slow down the pace of profit orders production of thin, to ensure the continuation of the Fund chain. Suppliers also affected poor shoe factory, as vendors are very hard. Peter Hessler(Pseudonym) originally is Dongguan houjie a exhibition leather company of shareholders, this year just transformation investment new environmental paint, asked why transformation, he said, he and friends from 2008 has been open trading company, yiqian a years made 500,000 yuan, as shareholders, he can min 100,000 yuan around, but two years ago, a customer (road Kau of a between shoes factory) suddenly collapsed, boss owes Xia he of80,000 payment run away, he had to lament an unlucky year. Thought it would turn last year, houjie customers didn't think of a shoe factory owner also owes debts run away. Confiscated 60,000 payment at the same time, he used a $ 6,000 worth of prices to resell to others their shares, a teeth left. Expert: new round of June or reshuffle in Dongguan University of technology economyMoanda, a professor who had conducted a survey on shoes and enterprise, he says, shoe enterprises generally not long now, because the market is not stable, businesses fear most is done does not have the money to the other party, or the other party has not. Most shoe companies are captive mind, days on the line. Sun Yat-sen University Lingnan College Director of the Department of finance, taxation, said Lin Jiang, Deputy Director of Hong Kong and Macao-Pearl River Delta Research Center has been on beadsDelta Enterprise is concerned, this time he is also studying the shoe-making enterprises in Dongguan, he said, according to the current status of Dongguan shoe enterprises are likely to face in June a new shuffle. Said Lin Jiang said current shoe enterprises, the situation is very delicate, say subtle, is because the shoes can be processed for Chinese companies, can also give Viet Nam company or India enterprises of processing, the order has notCertainty. But on the other hand, as long as the demand is, shoe enterprises will have orders. Although these years went out of business a lot of shoe-making enterprises in Dongguan, but "when we went to study in Europe and America, found a lot of lower-priced than the shoes were made in China. "Some shoes factories did not collapse but is half out of State, some manufacturers are in a State of contraction. Said Lin Jiang said current shoe enterprises of orders are generally not high,Some orders they considered how much good can make to enterprises, and enterprises do not have bargaining power. If you do not receive your order, Enterprise collapsed immediately, and not make any money, order does not get into death. Some shoes factories can't order, didn't know the next step to increase manpower, if order is not available, there is no way to maintain; but then cut staffing, compensation for workersMoney may be much higher. So some companies have not been without orders, but orders are eventually taken. Rising labor costs, rising raw material, RMB exchange rate, these overlays, shoe-making enterprises in Dongguan in June or face a new round of shuffling. (Dan Huiqiang) (Editor: Wen Jie) Others:

