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129764912208125000_100Treasure of Fuli town team penalty assists Damrey constant defence like nothing Yeah sporting March 16: 14 years later reproduced on yangcheng in top League Derby, but gives a infinite number of shock. 2-0 Wansheng defending champions of the newly promoted Fuli to the constant, created the biggest upset of the season. Behind the unpopular, are actually called "Damrey" foreign aid, continued writing about himself in the Super brilliant. From last season, on behalf of Brazil a-class teamsLidiba first episode scored 16 of 25 field goals, Damrey is a player who scored very high. Before the war League, Damrey and the r team players only practiced for two weeks, but the Brazil players for new team to adapt very quickly. Damrey first into a ball, on one's own is not satisfied with the performance, today suffer Guangzhou evergrande (clubs official Twitter), is undoubtedly the mostTaking the opportunity of good. Damrey attack from the start of that moment emerges. Competition 12th minute, Pallan Damrey caused a foul directly within the zone defense, Sun baojie decisive penalty shootout, and produce a yellow card to the Pallan. R direct main penalties player Zhang Shuo, 29th, feint fool after Li Shuai broken network. R the field's first goal, Damrey contributions cannot beNo. 23 minutes, Rafael support overhead shot of the Damrey, road force to plunge into a restricted area, evergrande two satellite package clips tactics, Araujo, Rafael fell in physical contact. However, as has already been fined once before penalty shoot-out, causing referee Sun baojie fined too cautious, signaling game continues. Throughout the first half the match, under the Damrey Combs, r offensive threat is farHigher than the constant, and awkward scenes, new champion evergrande totally did not expect. Damrey points in this game appeared in 82 minutes. When r team after tackling launched a counterattack, Damrey along cross Beck, breaking through to the other side edge out of the closed area, Zhang Yuan in small fire in restricted users to make contribution, Fuli 2-0 hengda locks shengju! Constant and Fuli city of Tak, Is one of the highlights of each other's Brazil vs, jointly with the two teams have 8 South American foreign aid, 7 were from Brazil. Coincidence is that the Damrey ultra-the best striker in the 2009 season and last season Muric Brazil Avai effect, has just joined r Brazil Center Leonardo DiCaprio also Avai effect at that time diablo 3 gold, they know about Muric. AllSaid constant's foreign aid strength, it is because there is more, but Damrey, seems to have eclipsed former teammates Muric. Damrey since two game let fans remember his name, in addition to his background experience, stability is the most important reason to play, first four opportunities, a goal, a door pillar; two effective assistance of direct helpHelped the team win with city rivals. From the process of competition, Damrey Fuli organizer of the attack, he is good at passing the ball to the ball and before and after will be the team's cohesion, he works with team-mate is very understanding. In addition to organizations, Damrey is also very strong. If the hole cards are constant in Neptune needle, then Damrey is the treasure of Fuli home Numen. Others:

